Full Name: Makita Watanabe
Nickname: Maki (Mackie)
Codename: Mother
Age: 10
Place of Birth: Tokyo, Japan
Date of Birth: January 3rd, 1996
Family: Father, almost always overseas on business. Mother deceased. Older sister, senior year in college (Tokyo University).
Status: School Faculty / Mission Coordinator
Height: 4' 1"
Weight: 82
Hair: Powder Blue
Eyes: Gold

Personality: Intelligent, Understanding, Cheerful, Perfectionist (can be somewhat over-critical the performance of herself and others at times). Tends to swing back and forth between acting Overly Mature and Immature, though most the time the two seem to balance each other out.
Powers: Hyper Intelligent, Moderate Resistance to Psychic Attacks
Weakness: An almost complete lack of battle skills. Except for her extreme intelligence she's pretty much a normal 10 year-old girl, so she can't take much damage either. Lacks actual experience in many things.
Skills: Photographic Memory, Master Hacker, Master Inventor, Electronics/Computer Expert, Highly Educated, Information Gathering, Organization, Speaks Several Languages, Extremely Fast Reader & Typist, Novice Marksman
--- Born to a pair of gifted computer technicians, Maki had a relatively normal early childhood. She was raised by her father and her older sister, as her mother died due to complications during her birth. Even as a toddler she showed exceptional intelligence, learning to read and write at a very young age. When her father caught his seven year-old daughter reading from his technical manuals, however, he began to suspect that something was amiss. He took her in for an intelligence test, and was absolutely stunned when the results said that her IQ had registered somewhere around 600. Meanwhile, Maki had spent the weekend building a supercomputer in the basement from of spare parts.
--- At a loss as what to do with his genius child, Makito's farther started looking into schools for 'gifted' children. Unfortunately his daughter managed to test out of virtually every education facility in Japan, including several high-prestige colleges. By the age of eight and a half Makito held a number degrees and even doctorates in various fields of study, having acquired them via off-site testing and online courses (she had learned to lie about her age on applications). Her father was just about to give up on his daughter having a 'normal' school experience when Haven brought itself to his attention. Knowing his child needed the special environment that school offered, Mr. Watanabe quickly had her enrolled. Makito tested out of all of the normal school courses, once again... During her stay, however, the young girl came to recognize that Haven offered her more than just academic learning. The people there were able to both understand and accept what she was, and she was able to emotionally connect with her fellow classmates for once. After a short talk with the dean, an agreement was reached in which she was allowed to stay on campus as a network assistant, and part time instructor.
--- While she's too frail to personally go on most of the dangerous missions, Maki has shown exceptional talent when it comes to organization, battle tactics, and information gathering. Because of this she often moonlights as a 'coordinator' for teams on missions, remotely monitoring the situation through her computer connection, and helping the team members to work together. She also play a big part in maintaining the electronic gear around the base and in communications with members of the team while they’re in the field. Because of her caring (and sometimes nagging) remarks over the com system she's earned the nickname "Mother", which ultimately became her codename at Haven.
Likes: Books, Computers, Inventing, Fruit, Sweets
Dislikes: Ignorance, Arrogance, Being talked down to, Bugs, Snakes, The Dark, Creepy things
Quote: "Of course I'm just a kid. We all start out somewhere, right?"