So, I've been watching Veggie Tales ...
It's creepy that kids get to watch this stuff.
Jonah just got swallowed by the whale.
When I have children, I will never demand them to believe in one God.
I would want them to find their own God, or Goddess.
And if they chose to worship a God and Goddess equally I'd be very happy.
But if they didn't, I'd accept that too ...
Just, pushing religion on kids is ... harsh.
They don't learn how to think for themselves.
It is harder for them to become independent.
I am going back to watching Veggie Tales though,
because now that I'm not a kid anymore, I can see right through it
and laugh at the cuteness of it all.
It's creepy that kids get to watch this stuff.
Jonah just got swallowed by the whale.
When I have children, I will never demand them to believe in one God.
I would want them to find their own God, or Goddess.
And if they chose to worship a God and Goddess equally I'd be very happy.
But if they didn't, I'd accept that too ...
Just, pushing religion on kids is ... harsh.
They don't learn how to think for themselves.
It is harder for them to become independent.
I am going back to watching Veggie Tales though,
because now that I'm not a kid anymore, I can see right through it
and laugh at the cuteness of it all.
That talks to God.