Her biography:Kanomi So Kawaii I am 13 years old I am in 9th Grade in my school that I go to. It's not in Japan.
Her parents:Kanomi So Kawaii My parents love me very much I am their special girl. heart
On her talents:Kanomi So Kawaii I am good at watching anime
On being mistaken for Sailor Moon:Kanomi So Kawaii no I am her friend. Her good friend Sailor Gaia redface
More talents:
Art and humor:Kanomi So Kawaii I was showing my sense of humor. As a manga artists I have to have emotions many kinds. sweatdrop
Post-education plans:Kanomi So Kawaii I want to own an aminal shelter or be a sailor scout.
On the meaning of her name:Kanomi So Kawaii Kanomi means beautiful friend. redface
A talented Japanese speaker:The Almighty Can Of Corn YOU KNOW WHAT GOMEN MEANS RIGHT? IT MEANS SORRY. Kanomi So Kawaii I know just forgot for a minute. sweatdrop
A personal anecdote regarding corporal punishment:Kanomi So Kawaii I got spanks becuz I am energy and run about and yell things. sweatdrop
A good question:Kanomi So Kawaii How do you deal with flamers who attack you on your Gaia adventures?
Defining "body words":Kanomi So Kawaii bad words about the body sweatdrop
On interpersonal conflict:Kanomi So Kawaii You cant punch ppl on the web browser. sweatdrop
The value of education:
...Unless you go to a magical school in Japan:Kanomi So Kawaii What if we went to a different school a school in Japan? A magical school with uniforms and magic girls.
On contemporary politics:
When Cookie Monster became Vegetable Monster:Kanomi So Kawaii Thats stupid! It makes me mad! scream
On personal hygenie:
On elation:Kanomi So Kawaii I am so happy its like magic smile
Tips on anger managementKanomi So Kawaii why are you so angry?? Take a deep breath and think of usagi! sweatdrop
Auto-buyers:Kanomi So Kawaii WHAT is it? I dont know what is a gia auto buyer? Do you mean there are Gaia Cars now for us to drive from page to page???!!
The definition of a troll:Kanomi So Kawaii Its a poo who makes body words or gross pictors or stretches your page or spams your beautiful profile page with swears gonk
Squealing noises:Kanomi So Kawaii I got excited I got a gift box and I opened it and I got a halo I was so happy I made a squeal noise. Then I put it on and I thought I did it wrong. Then I know that is was April Fools joke! smile
Color coordination:Kanomi So Kawaii The best combination is pink and yellow. or if you are in a sailor suit the best color is red and white blue. For your sailor suit.
On Lycanthropy:Kanomi So Kawaii The moon has powers on you if you are a young girl especially it makes you have powers! sweatdrop
The morality of suicide:
A pointed question:Kanomi So Kawaii Do emos cry when they poo? I think they would if it hurt a little maybe they would. redface
On human relationships:Kanomi So Kawaii I dont like to touch other ppl. sad
Regarding erotic homosexual Japanese art:Kanomi So Kawaii Plz stop talking about yoi it gives japan a bad rep.
And hentai in general:Kanomi So Kawaii Its not from Japan not all of it just some of it you cant prove it. sweatdrop
What are transexuals?Kanomi So Kawaii Moonglare Kanomi So Kawaii seb06011337 Kanomi So Kawaii I dont know what it is sweatdrop Google it. it says you have to be 18 to go on the site so I dont go on it. sweatdrop men who want to be women or women who want to be men. Oh like ranma!
What are furries?Kanomi So Kawaii Like being an emo accept you wear aminal costumes?? Is it like pretend games when you pretend to be anime character with special powes and you run around the yard?
Breaking the rules:Kanomi So Kawaii Yes I admit it I am naughty sometimes stay up past my bedtime to post on Gaia!
In response to the topic "You can't be both beautiful and smart":Kanomi So Kawaii What if your both? sweatdrop
How GD works:Kanomi So Kawaii Oh no she can talk about rapes all night long my wonderful threads about avatars are put in a garbage can that is unjustice for you that is how it works on GD.
High school cliques:Kanomi So Kawaii Im the friend to all, even emos and goths that society rejects. society rejects the emos and goths but I am their friend. smile
On what is a "GD raid"?Kanomi So Kawaii Its when the bad ppl from 3 chan come over and show their body pics in a troll thread!!
Regarding her typing:Kanomi So Kawaii God-the-almighty Kanomi So Kawaii MaylaKae Kanomi So Kawaii MaylaKae I can hardly understand a word you type... sweatdrop its easy do you live in a country away? not america?? sweatdrop No, I'm american...My point is that you type as if you are not one that has english as their first language. I type in a kawaii manner I dont go back just type them. sweatdrop What does that mean? I type fast and dont go back not ever not going to fix mistakes. just go as fast I can type! sweatdrop
What do you like best about her profile page?Kanomi So Kawaii What do you like best there is it the wonderful music that greets you when you first land or first arrive or the clean and moderated well moderated comments section or perhaps the greeting you have from the cartoon ppl on the side? Lets talk about it! smile
On her profile comments:Kanomi So Kawaii They are so many postive and happy that is the magic of Japan that I bring to Gaia. redface
On the fall and decline of Gaia:Kanomi So Kawaii I been here since 2005 it just gets wors and and worse. The mods dont care they delete and warn a nice Kanomi when trolls run wild with their body pics. run wild with it. sweatdrop
On whether or not it's true that "everyone" likes her:Kanomi So Kawaii I know they dont you should see the stuff I have to delete from the profile. poop trolls and stuff sweatdrop I just lik to say everyone likes me it makes me feel happier... I know that sounds silly but its how I AM!!!! :shocked:
Regarding Internet fame:Steve the Alien Actually, I've never heard of you, until yesterday. neutral Kanomi So Kawaii You probably live in ostralia then
On her Uncyclopedia entry:Kanomi So Kawaii It is not allowed to say Im a weeble. They cant say that about me. Its not aloud. I just go there to fix it so it doesnt say Im a weeble. I check it every day! smile Im a good Kanomi to check it every day!
In defense of autism and related syndromes:Kanomi So Kawaii Your posts of hate against poor sweet autism children! Stupid Mr Alex your a racists against Aspergers! scream
The Meaning of Life: Kanomi So Kawaii Life is good! Just believe in magic! redface
[PrInCeSs RaVeN] · Wed Apr 11, 2007 @ 12:14am · 6 Comments |