Money donaters:
- Nage (the white nage masta)- 1k whee
-Sunshine_77- 275 gold whee
- Sammeh - alot of gold so i could get my winter rose whee
Ticket donaters:
- Sammeh (~gaarafan636~)- about 1000 tickets, whee
- -_-Amor_De_Cosmos-_- 100 tickets whee
- Inablivion 500 tickets, 200 tokens whee whee
- Sparkle-o, 150 tickets whee whee
- ~Gaarafan636~ - AQUATICA!!!! &3 (not you sam the item lol)
- ~Gaarafan636~ - ICE TIARA!!!!! HO SHET!!! <33

Community Member
dont wrry ill keep o donating to make u happy XD lolz
ur avvy is amazing now btw X3