surprised I'm back!!! And I now have an Oekei(...Cannot Spell...), and I hope to receive it soon(Next Week or so), so YAY!!!
Lots has happened since my last entry. Miller(Superintendant of our one school-school district), has been enforcing harsh rules for parking lot safety. First, Everyone was to pick up children on the South-East side of the playground, but since no one knew, he changed it so all cars have to file past the gate to pick up kids. These I have no problem with, I walk or Ride the Bus. Now the Sr. Highers can no longer park behind the school or out on the South-East side, along with not being allowed to leave untill after the buses leave. And now, we can no longer cross the parking lot to walk home...Remind me to take the North Route throug the upper parking area, where they arn't looking. Clare is going to make it look as if we're going to her brother's car, and the break for it. James(Clare's Brother) is one of the ones who found a loop-hole in the new rules. No where does it state that you can't park off school grounds, Aka accross the street from school. I cannot wait 'till the next shool-board meeting, Miller is so outta here! blaugh
Arbonite · Fri Mar 25, 2005 @ 05:18am · 0 Comments |