Thunder roared across the sky. A bolt of lighting pummeled to the ground, splitting a tree on its way down. The neighboring tree stood tall and proud as it watched its fellow fall in two pieces to the floor. The loud bang seemed to cause a chain reaction, and more trees began to fall. High above the destruction, what seemed to be flying bolts of silver streams soared high and then low. The winged menaces let out shrieks equaling the volume of their attacks. Long slender arms pulled back and let go the bolts conjured in their pointy fingers. Slicked back ears pricked and fell with each sound made within hearing distance. Pointed teeth gnawed at lower lips in apprehension. The glee shone within their eyes was indescribable, and compared only to the happiness a murderer showed during his kill.
Carrying nothing but a leather strap with bundled paper tucked between, the largest of these attackers remained idle above all the others. Large shining eyes dominated the powerful face. A stern look of command covered a smile which had never been seen by a living soul. Narrow ears slid back and covered the side of the perfect face. Age seemed to radiate from the entire body, setting off a feeling of unworthiness in the presence. A shift of the strong jaw and a slight clenching of teeth depicted a somewhat annoyed expression. Reaching into the leather bundle around the firm middle, the beast pulled out a formal looking scroll. It opened to reveal hard to read writing, signed by a very official hand. Glowing eyes skimmed over the document, then glanced down at the wasteland below. The scroll was placed back into the bundle and the slender hand beckoned forth a somewhat smaller beast. Inaudible words were exchanged, and the large figure turned and flew away in the sky.
The retreat of the larger beast attracted the attention of more than one of the shrieking attackers. Bolts of lightning ceased to fly as confusion raised about the swarm. Reluctant, but willing to follow their orders, the beasts turned to follow their leader. Pushing wind back between their wings, they retreated back the way they came. And peace, or something like it, came upon the land below once more.
When at last the only noise to be heard was the sizzling tree trunks, a small pair of eyes peaked from behind a rock some distance away. They scanned the sky and beyond. When it was confirmed that there remained no more attackers, the eyes moved from behind the rock shedding light on a small bodied child. Feeble looking and very pale, the small human raised a soot smeared hand and wiped away tears of fear and pain. Hair cut off at small ears flaked with blood in a trail to the nose. The young child took a few uneven steps forward, gazing around with wide eyes. Not a single soul seemed to be near, human or otherwise. The child attempted once more to take steps forward before collapsing to the floor, bringing up a cloud of dust and soot. And all went still.
the humans
After the child died, humans ventured onto the land of destruction. But they found nothing but charred trees and a few scarred bodies. They knew not of what caused the chaos in the area, but they nurtured it back to health. Soon animals roamed through the tall trees, and a small river ran between them. The humans made their homes with the bark from the trees, and ate off the hides of the plentiful animals. They have formed a well sized village amongst themselves. They gave to the earth and the earth gave back to them in generous handfuls. But the peace could only be kept for so long.
the beasts
For billions of years, the silver winged beasts lived together in an odd balance with the earth. They lived for chaos, but their homeland was what brought calm to their souls. They ate no meat, only the plants which were fed to the earth with a gentle hand. They believed they could live in harmony without the humans tainting the earth, and so they set out to destroy every last one of them. The king of the beasts ordered an all out attack against the humans. For weeks on end thunder bolts dominated the skies. On the morning of the fourth week, the beasts retreated, thinking they had at last rid the earth of the horrid race. They reside in a large temple made of stone high atop a mighty mountain. Engraved into the walls are the many great kings that have passed on to the better world.
For billions of years, the silver winged beasts lived together in an odd balance with the earth. They lived for chaos, but their homeland was what brought calm to their souls. They ate no meat, only the plants which were fed to the earth with a gentle hand. They believed they could live in harmony without the humans tainting the earth, and so they set out to destroy every last one of them. The king of the beasts ordered an all out attack against the humans. For weeks on end thunder bolts dominated the skies. On the morning of the fourth week, the beasts retreated, thinking they had at last rid the earth of the horrid race. They reside in a large temple made of stone high atop a mighty mountain. Engraved into the walls are the many great kings that have passed on to the better world.
The connection
Although years of dispute kept humans far from the beasts, one thing brought them closer. Living off the land each in their own way, the two tribes were bonded in their love for nature. Legends from long, long ago told of a beautiful goddess with flowing green hair whom spoke many tongues. She floated around space until she found the perfect place to create her world. She molded the earth, the sun, and the moon, and sprinkled light around them all (stars). Ever since their creation by this great earth goddess, beast and man alike have worshiped her in a great temple built in her honor. Located on the top of a low mountain, the Temple of the Earth Goddess is the single place where all creatures could come to rest in peace.
You will choose between the humans and the beasts. You will decide the fate of their relationship. Will they at last realize their love for the earth can bring them together? Or will the winds of war be too strong and proud, tearing the two tribes apart? You will be the thread that ties them together or divides their lives for all eternity. Choose wisely...
pm me your profiles.
Character name:
Gaia u/n:
Race: (human or beast)
Age: (child, teen, or adult for humans; youngling, mature, or ancient for beasts)
Character description: (personality, appearance, etc)
Other: (anything else you feel needs to made apparent; feel free to leave this blank)
Gaia u/n:
Race: (human or beast)
Age: (child, teen, or adult for humans; youngling, mature, or ancient for beasts)
Character description: (personality, appearance, etc)
Other: (anything else you feel needs to made apparent; feel free to leave this blank)
A few F.Y.Is:
Interracial and same gender love is allowed (because it really doesn't matter anyway).
Humans use spears as a weapon and makeshift cannons;
While the beasts use bow and arrows, along with their occasional lightning bolt (which you don't have unless you are an ancient).
As of the beginning of this role play, humans and beasts are unaware of one another.
- Rules:
*no chat speak. ie: te grl wlkd arnd. (or however you do it)
*try your best to avoid one-liners.
*obviously don't kill anyone unless you have their permission.
*there are no modern devices here (like cars, guns, computers, etc.) so don't bring them up.
*there are no half human half beasts, alright?
*i will not tolerate any discrimination of gender, sexuality, etc.
*just use your common sense, ok?
note to self: think of a better name than beasts...