Today I got something stuck in my eye. It was HORRIBLE! Oh God it hurt so bad, and it wouldn't come out!
I had to play Tennis with one eye closed. I had major depth preception problems, but it was funny so I didn't mind all to much.
Also today was crazy day at my school and my friend Andrew B. wore a bikini!! OMG! I almost died laughing!
Oh! that reminds me! Did I tell you all about the time I got whiplash from laughing? No? Well, I was laughing at one of my own jokes and then I threw my head downwards and my neck like, cracked. I was all, 'what the ******** was that!' and then I just got this peircing headache. damn.
My eye still hurts...
I'm lonley...hmm, heres a poem I wrote:
Alas how cruel is the pain thats caused be love,
And I my not reveal it to those around me,
Oh the pain consumes me!
A fire with brilliant shine is very hot,
Yet secret fire and pain burn hotter in my soul,
Oh the pain consumes me!
The inner flames are rushing,
Through my aching heart,
And I would slowly die,
Should I be without help,
Oh the pain consumes me!
My love, come rescue me,
My life is in your hands,
Help still this misery,
Or you will destroy me,
Oh the pain consumes me!
yeah that was random and depressing..well for me at least....*sigh*
Well, till next time, Ja ne!
|~ ArYu ~|
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A Memoir to Insanity
This journal is about the things that go on in my mind...and other assorted chocolates...
![]() | <---rape my eggs.