Running low on funds. Not to mention running low on the energy to want to even use the computer in the evenings when I get off of work. -_- Got lots of donating to do and I know it's not gonna do itself so I better get my little tush to working on raising those funds.
Oh, and if any of you happen to catch any guppies, bass or striper, feel free to send them pretty hate machine's way or to me. ^_^ She's working on getting her bass and striper helms. She's got the Green Bass Helmet, and is halfway to getting the blue and brown. She's about one third of the way to getting her striper helms. So any help you can give her would be much appreciated.
<3 you all.
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Rabenstern - A zealot cabalist of the mighty creature know as Leviathan.
"Strength resides in his neck; dismay goes before him.
Nothing on earth is his equal— a creature without fear.
He looks down on all that are haughty; he is king over all that are proud."[/color:d1d8a09312]
Rabenstern - A zealot cabalist of the mighty creature know as Leviathan.
"Strength resides in his neck; dismay goes before him.
Nothing on earth is his equal— a creature without fear.
He looks down on all that are haughty; he is king over all that are proud."[/color:d1d8a09312]