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Banging On A Frying Pan
A random collection of whatever thoughts happen to be going through my mind at the time...
Gerard Way Is A Fascist Pig
So, I decided to go to the My Chemical Romance concert at William & Mary Hall, two blocks from my house. I'm not sure why this seemed like a good idea. I suppose it was a combination of morbid curiosity and the fact that, hell, if it's that close to home and I can walk there and back, why not? xp

Though I'd been considering attending ever since the concert was first announced, it was still a last-minute decision, so I hadn't bought a ticket in advance. I'd seen a story in the local paper that only 6,000 tickets had been sold, and I figured there wouldn't be any trouble obtaining one. But when I arrived, I found that I no longer remembered where the box office was located. That's what I get for not going to any shows at that venue for, oh, about a decade. As I wandered around the perimeter of the building, I noticed signs on several doors that said the box office was open on Monday through Friday from 9 to 5. I was about to give up on the whole enterprise and go home when I saw a girl trying to sell off her ticket for $15. Since the original price was $30.25, that sounded like a good deal to me, and I bought it.

From there, I went inside and had to show the security guard the crap in my jacket pockets. It didn't take much to convince him I wasn't a terrorist threat. He would be the last black person I'd see the rest of the evening-- the audience was exclusively white, which I suppose isn't surprising considering how listening habits are so often guided (consciously or not) by racial stereotypes, but is still kind of depressing. I'd expected to be the oldest person in the room, but I promptly spotted a guy who looked exactly like Larry David, along with a few random dads accompanying their kids. But there were very few young kids, and even fewer audience members with the stereotypical MCR fan appearance-- mostly, it was college kids, all very plain and ordinary, but unfortunately still prone to eardrum-splitting screams at every available opportunity.

I bought a pretzel and a Diet Coke at the concessions stand, and settled in for Muse's opening set. My first concern was how the notoriously fickle sound at the Hall would affect the show-- would it be like Nirvana's concert in '93, where the sound was excellent, or like the terrible R.E.M./10,000 Maniacs show in '87, where the sound was so muddy and indecipherable the performance actually got mentioned in a Rolling Stone article about R.E.M. as the low point of that tour? The answer: somewhere in between. It proved to be fine for loud, stomping guitar workouts, and the bass was so vivid I could feel it pulsing through my stomach. Similarly, the drums blared at headache-inducing volume. But the vocals were so overwhelmed by feedback it was difficult to make out any words (for Muse, at least-- not so much for MCR), and any attempts at subtlety fell flat in this context. Fortunately, Muse is not an especially subtle band, and most of their songs resembled a surprisingly melodic brontosaurus blithely stomping over everything in its path. Since I've only heard their most recent album, I can't offer much in the way of deep analysis, but I found their set enjoyable enough.

I took some time during Muse's set to look around and observe the audience in greater depth. I was amazed at how many people were not only using their cell phone cameras, but were actually text messaging other people from the concert. Maybe I'm just an old fart, but this doesn't seem right to me somehow. If you're there to hear the music, why the hell are you sending text messages instead of actually paying attention and listening to the ******** music? This is also the first time I've observed the phenomenon of people waving their phones in the air instead of cigarette lighters, though at least half the audience still waved lighters anyway, creating a weird sort of limbo state somewhere between parodic nostalgia and clueless modernity. I found it really disorienting.

Muse finished in a tight 45 minutes, and that gave me time to find the men's room. Even after a trek halfway around the building and waiting in a line of about twenty people, I got back in plenty of time, because MCR didn't come on until 45 minutes after the end of Muse's set. That's when the loud screaming started, and a few songs into the set, my general indifference turned to outright hatred of Gerard Way's rock-star poses. I started with indifference because MCR presented their material in the most boring way imaginable-- they played The Black Parade, in its entirety, with no variations in song order or arrangements. Apart from Gerard's annoying commands to the audience to jump or wave their hands, the songs sounded exactly the same as on the CD. I suppose that's what his audience wants, but it's not what I want from a concert-- I'd like to see some sort of imagination, some kind of expansion on or creative alteration of the originals, not just rote replication.

But it was those rock star clichés that sent me over the edge. Before "The Sharpest Lives", Way dedicated the band's performance to the victims of the Virginia Tech shootings and their families, and it was as hollow and insincere a dedication as I've ever heard in my life. It felt obligatory, not heartfelt, and even an audience clearly overloaded with dedicated fans could only muster polite applause in response. Later, he prefaced "Teenagers" with a rambling introduction about being an outsider and seeking help for your problems, and about how violence is never a solution; it felt like the gesture of a man fearful of being stigmatized for allegedly endorsing youth violence, rather than anything sincere or profound.

And then there's the part that really annoys me: the commands to the audience, and the way so many in the crowd respond like sheep. This is nothing new, of course-- it's what sparked Roger Waters to write The Wall all those years ago, which now seems kind of ironic since MCR ripped off so much of that record wholesale for The Black Parade. But somehow, I resented Gerard's exhortations to "jump higher than you've ever jumped before!" even more than I've resented similar statements in the past. The nadir was in "Welcome To The Black Parade", where he started thrusting his arm diagonally into the air in an echo of Fascist salutes that would be obvious to anyone with any sense of history; but that sense of history is clearly lacking in both Way and his audience, because nearly half the auditorium repeated the gesture, in unison, several times before the song reached its second, faster section. There are a couple of reasons why this scene disturbed me. First, ripping such a loaded gesture from its original context and dropping it into a pop-rock band's performance strips it of all meaning, transforming it into an empty signifier. Second, the mindless way so many in the audience simply repeated it, as they obeyed Way's stupid orders to jump, reminded me how easy it is to manipulate people given the right circumstances.

After they finished the album, the band came back in plain black shirts and pants (as opposed to the marching-band uniforms of their "Black Parade" persona) to play a few of their older songs. The show mercifully ended with no encores, and as I staggered out of the arena, my hearing shot and my nerves rattled by all those sudden popping noises at the end of their songs, I saw two guys trying to resell MCR T-shirts at inflated prices. It was no more of a scam than the concert itself, and a vastly more entertaining one.

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With Motion
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commentCommented on: Mon Apr 30, 2007 @ 12:48am
Every singly MCR fan needs to read this. I had an extremely similar experience with an FOB concert: The audience was exactly the same, the obligatory poses were there (you know, when the guitarists spin around in a circle like it's actually cool), the show was nerve-racking, the hardcore dancing...that wasn't there I hope xp

commentCommented on: Mon Apr 30, 2007 @ 12:50am
dude first of all that is what the band is supposed to preform, THEIR SONGS. second gerard has a reason to go on about violense never beinging a flippen answer cause he was going to commit suiside cause he did drugs and he was an acaholic. go make out with your mom. i understand your point of veiw but gawd dude give the band a break

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Nobue Ito
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commentCommented on: Mon Apr 30, 2007 @ 12:51am
Nope, there were signs at the entrances stating that moshing was prohibited. xp

@sasukes: of course they're supposed to perform their songs, but it would be nice if they'd do something different with them. I don't go to concerts to hear exact duplications of the originals. I want to hear at least some improvisation, or some unexpected rearrangement or expansion of the songs.

And whatever his personal experiences might have been, his speeches still sounded insincere to me.

commentCommented on: Mon Apr 30, 2007 @ 05:40am
They played every song from TBP album?

When I saw them in December, they performed some from that album and Three Cheers and there wasn't much order to the set list.

It still sounds like you had an interesting experience, and somewhat different than my own. xp

Not to mention the fact that EVERYONE was moshing when I saw them.

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Architect Eyes
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commentCommented on: Tue May 01, 2007 @ 01:54am
(Points and laughs.) I told you MCR was a retarded band.

Actually, I think I remember saying every band to come out pretty much after '96 or '97 sucks. Except Muse. I do kinda like them. They're like Radiohead Lite.

I can't wait until those kids grow up and realise how stupid they were for liking a shitty band like that. 'I'M MAKING A STATEMENT.' Gerard Way is not hot, and he probably has a tiny p***s. Like GG Allin.

commentCommented on: Tue May 01, 2007 @ 02:29am
I've never really liked MCR, not even just because I hate the music. The way the band members present themselves gives off an air of self-importance.

If only I had been alive during the prime days of Queen, I'd have been at every concert to cheer as Freddie Mercury pranced around onstage. Most of today's bands couldn't give that good of a performance. (excluding older bands that still perform, like Styx, Foreigner, etc.)

I'd hate to go see a concert that sounded like the cd, that's the whole point of the concert experience.
If it sounds the same, i'd much rather not waste the money on tickets and just sit at home, listening to the cd away from the psychotic crowds that show up at concerts.

I like how you word things, your descriptions are pretty well done, and a few of them made me laugh. I think I'll be checking back to see what else you post every now and again.

[Liz Enthusiasm]
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Tenacious Travis
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commentCommented on: Wed May 02, 2007 @ 03:47am
That's a lot of text. I am proud, I read it all!

commentCommented on: Wed May 02, 2007 @ 11:52am
A footnote: Sockks mentioned last night that both bands got sick from food poisoning after the show. This morning, I found this news story:


What concerns me is, I still eat at the Green Leafe every once in a while. xp

Nobue Ito
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Polar Covalent
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commentCommented on: Sun Jun 03, 2007 @ 12:35am
That made my day. I swear, that really made my day. Best thing I've read about MCR. it's the exact same reason why I never liked MCR...and the semi-appreciation for Muse makes the entry even better.

commentCommented on: Sun Jun 17, 2007 @ 12:45am
Normally I don't read walls of text, but I read that one and found it very interesting. 3nodding

Amethyst Wind
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commentCommented on: Sun Jun 17, 2007 @ 01:19am
Pretty much sums them all up right there. All MCR fans should read this 3nodding

commentCommented on: Tue Jul 10, 2007 @ 05:30pm

It's hard to believe.

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commentCommented on: Tue Jul 10, 2007 @ 05:39pm
^ Like she said. Hard to believe.

commentCommented on: Tue Jul 10, 2007 @ 05:53pm
Wow... I read a massive wall of text! But this was rather interesting nonetheless. It's really nice to see peoples views on things, and I must say I agree with most of what you are saying.

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commentCommented on: Sun Jul 15, 2007 @ 10:11pm
Are you telling me youve never been to a gig where the singer hasnt given orders?
I do it when my band plays gigs. I dont like MCRand agree with you say but most bands do do this. Im not shocked at all and you need to do more research on that part. I dont think ive been to a gig where i havent been ordered to jump, mosh, make a wall of death, circle pit etc.

commentCommented on: Sun Jul 15, 2007 @ 10:34pm
Oh, I've been to plenty of shows where that happens, and I've never liked it. I just found it more annoying that night than usual, and I think it was mainly because of that salute. I realize he probably didn't intend it as an echo of fascist symbology, but that's no excuse.

Nobue Ito
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Coheed Beast Kilgannon
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commentCommented on: Mon Jul 30, 2007 @ 01:06am
I like you & your views unlike most your not a mindless drone

commentCommented on: Wed Sep 12, 2007 @ 01:42am
ok wow thats long! umm what are you complaing about your at the concert of MCR those fans are not cristians rock fans there gonna be weird (some) and thres gonna be scammers AT ALL CONCERTS inless ur like at some gay cristian rock concert!! wahmbulance

[My fav ((of the moment) quotes]]
-There is a fine line between fishing and just standing on the shore like an idiot.
-The only reason people get lost in thought is because it's unfamiliar territory.
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Nobue Ito
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commentCommented on: Wed Oct 17, 2007 @ 07:50pm
Heh, it's been a while since I checked this post for comments. That made no ******** sense at all. xd

commentCommented on: Wed Oct 17, 2007 @ 08:54pm
gay Christian rock?

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commentCommented on: Wed Oct 17, 2007 @ 10:18pm
What a sad experience for you. Did you forget to mention all of the pyrotechnics, confetti/ the stage entrance, or was that on purpose?
And when I left, they were selling the t-shirts for $10, as opposed to the $20 or more they were being sold for originally. What a rip-off! Lawl.
And as for Gerard being a fascist, I agree completely.
That's the only reason I listen to MCR.
Finally, someone gets it!
However, I'm sorry it was so boring and droll for you sad
Perhaps a Fugazi concert would be better. Or maybe when Cher comes around with another 'Never Say Goodbye' tour, you can see that one wink
I know I'll be going.


commentCommented on: Wed Nov 07, 2007 @ 12:21am
Are you telling me youve never been to a gig where the singer hasnt given orders?
I do it when my band plays gigs. I dont like MCRand agree with you say but most bands do do this. Im not shocked at all and you need to do more research on that part. I dont think ive been to a gig where i havent been ordered to jump, mosh, make a wall of death, circle pit etc.

This is an oooold comment, but whatever.

I've been to quite a couple of concerts where the performers don't use those gimmicks. The first that comes to mind is Arctic Monkeys, who are unbelievably self-conscious, and in fact the few times they spoke to the audience at all, I doubt anyone could even understand them, what with their accents (because I sure couldn't, and I was right at the front).

there were wolves
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commentCommented on: Sun Feb 03, 2008 @ 06:26pm
lol NIIIICE! i used to like them (EW!) but they're all losers.

i went to this hedley cocert a few weeks ago and THEY-WERE-GREAT! they were allmost completely different from either of the albums, in a VERY good way! they were sociable with the crowd! they were really funny! the list go's on!

but on youtube i tried to watch an mcr cocert (remember-this is when i USED to like them) AND THEY STUNK! THE WORST LIVE VBAND I HAV SERIOUSLY EVER SEEN! scream gonk

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yuri yuri yuri yuri... did somebody say yuri???
commentCommented on: Fri Mar 07, 2008 @ 01:24am
kudos to all of you with decent music taste that were brave enough to attend these horrible bands' concerts and live to share the tale. You are braver men/women than I.

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Der Lebende Geist
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commentCommented on: Mon Apr 28, 2008 @ 11:16pm
Thats a shame that it sucked, but I just saw them at the House of Blues and it wasn't like that at all.

My Chemical Romance...what on earth can I say that could possibly do this performance justice? One of the best performances I've seen. There was energy pounding off of the ceiling, there was Gerard Way singing The Carpenters, not to mention a harmonica and tambourine involved on a couple songs. Amazing on all of the guys' parts. I screamed, I jumped, I sweated, I danced and most importantly, I sang. Phenomenal on all fronts. See this band.

I show I saw wasn't directly from the cd. Lots of changes, lots of talking to the audience and just overall great stuff.

commentCommented on: Mon Apr 28, 2008 @ 11:17pm
Oh and the merchandise was beyond cheap for what they usually charge.

Der Lebende Geist
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