I did this obscenely long quiz once before, but I'm bored as hell so I thought I'd take another stab at it.
A:- About You
1.) What is your preferred name
Evan, Makoto, Jackass
2.) Personal theme tune?
Tourniquet from Evanescence
3.) Fave colour?
Black, midnight blue
4.) Gender?
5.) Age?
6.) Favorite movie?
Tom Cruise's only decent film: The Last Samurai
7.) Fave drink?
erm.... alcoholic or non?
8.) Fave food?
chinese... anything chinese!
B:- Police Records
1.) Have you ever been involved in criminal activity (piracy and illegal downloads count..please list)
Not that I've been caught for... (shifty eyes)
2.) How many times have you been arrested?
none, cause I always get the cops who've eaten too many doughnuts to run
3.) Have you ever been in trouble with the police without being arrested?
yup, the sheriff lives on my block...
4.) Do you have a criminal record (if yes list crimes)
Not yet
5.) Have you ever been to court and convicted? (includes comunity service sentances)
C:- Family Life
1.) Do you have any pets (please list)
two dogs, two cats, several goldfish, a few ghosts, and a sister
2.) Any siblings?
one younger whiner... er, sister
3.) If so do you get it on with them?
*twitch... shudder...* gaaahhhhh
4.) Who do you live with?
My ma
5.) What would you describe your home life as?
1. Closest red thing to you? the DVD Fearless
2. Have you ever fallen down the stairs? I did that on purpose!
3. Last thing to make you angry? That one guy... I hate that one guy...
4. Are you a fan of romance? not of reading, watching, or listening to it. But other than that yes.
5. Do you have a temper? sometimes... depends on the mood I'm in.
1. Closest green thing to you? Yearbook
2. Do you care about the environment? (dives and hugs a tree)
3. Are you jealous of anyone right now? … A little bit
4. Are you a lucky person? Bwah hahahahahaha!
5. Do you always want what you can't have? Only in a few certain cases.
6. Do you like being outdoors? *gasp... cough... choke* Ohhh god... fresh air! I love it!
Are you Irish? I once saw an Irishman walk out of a bar... But then I'm known for lying...
1. Last purple thing you saw? A bruise on my leg
2. Like being treated to expensive things? nah
3. Do you like mysterious things? Big foot? BIG FOOOOT! HERE BOY!
4. Favorite type of chocolate? mmmmm... chocolate.... *drool*
5. Ever met anyone in royalty? No! I didn't kill Princess Diana! That's ridiculous!
6. Are you creative? often times
1. Closest yellow thing to you? those emoticons on the left side of the screen
2. The happiest time of your life? last years lunch table, my first time in the theater, first year at camp
3. Favorite holiday? Thanksgiving.... FOOD!
4. Do you burn or tan? Burn baby burn! Disco Inferno!
5. Do you want children? as long as they're not like my sister
6. What makes you feel warm and safe? hot chocolate, my dogs, and (when she was alive) my cat.
1. Closest blue thing to you? a picture on my dresser.
2. Are you good at calming people down? depends on the person
3. Do you like the sea? Fish! Shrimp! Nori! Yummy...
4.What was the last thing that made you cry? Turnabout
5. Are you a logical thinker? In the arena of logic I fight unarmed!
6. Can you sleep easily? *blinks and sits up* huh? What was the question?
7. Do you prefer the beach or the woods? hmmm... bikinis... or trees... gonna have to go with bikinis, er, beach
1. Closest pink thing to you? the cover of a Playb... er, nothing!
2. Do you like sweet things? SUGARSUGARSUGARSUGAR!
3. Like play-fighting? *punch*
4. Are you sensitive? *sniff* that was so mean... *cries*
5. What is your favorite flower? scarlet carson
6. Does someone have a crush on you? yup, someone I love.
1. Closest orange thing to you? the viag... er, singulair bottle...
2. Do you like to burn things? no... not at all (hides the matches, torch, flame thrower, lighter, charcoal, lighter fluid, and gasoline)
3. Dress up for Halloween? usually
4. Are you usually a warm-hearted person? not in the least (hugs)
6. Do you prefer the single life or a relationship? Oy... I wish I knew the answer to that...
7. What would your super power be? Flight, or possible shooting web...
1. Closest white thing to you? that stain on my sheets.
2. Always try to keep the peace? why? It's so much fun to watch...
3. How do you imagine your wedding? I don't
4. Do you like to play in the snow? Oh yeah, mutant snowmen!
5. Do you have Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD)? No I don... ooooooo, shiny!
1. Closest black thing to you? one of my katanas
2. Ever enjoy hurting people? Indian burn!
3. Are you sophisticated or silly? Silly. Being sophisticated is soooooo boring!
4. Would you like to go to space? How? I can't fit the rest of my inside my head...
5. Do you have a lot of secrets? that's a secret....
6. Does the color you wear affect your mood? if it did, I'd be a lot more depressed.
Name?: ummmmm...
Date of birth?: 12 April 1988
Sex?: male
Height?: 6' 1.5"
Eye color?: Usually sorta blue/green, but I like it when they turn grey.
Where were you born?: IL
Number of candles on your last birthday cake?: Hmmm... 19 I think... they were tasty.
Hair color?: dirty dirty blonde, matches my mind.
Piercings?: lets see... lip, nose, eyebrow, almost my eye... oh wait, you meant jewlery?
Town you live in?: Midgar
Ever been to Africa?: nope
Been toilet papering?: uh... of course not...
Love someone so much it made you cry?: yeah
Been in a car accident?: yup... got hit by an immigrant with no license, insurance, or ability to speak english.
Croutons or bacon bits?: yes
Favorite day of the week?: hmmm... saturday because it's relaxed, and Tuesday cause you can't get any farther from Monday.
Favorite restaurant?: Ones that serve food
Favorite sport to watch?: XMA
Favorite ice cream flavor?: anything with lots and lots of chocolate
Warner Bros. or Disney?: Warner Bros, because Disney sequals alwasy SUCK! well, with one or two exceptions.
Favorite fast food restuarant?: Steak & Shake
Carpet color in your bedroom?: wood
How many times did you fail your driver's test?: once... damn lane jockey's...
Whom did you get your last email from?: an internet friend
Which store would you choose to max out your credit card?: Oriental gifts
What do you do most often when you are bored?: video games, nothing, mastur... er... more nothing.
Most annoying [/hurtful] thing to say to me?: I don't know
Bedtime?: Sleep? What's sleep?
Favorite TV show?: Robot Chicken, House, Family Guy, Simpsons
Last person you went out to dinner with?: Lacey
Been out of country?: yup
Believe in magic?: (casts magic missile at the darkness)
Ford or Chevy?: Ford! Shelby GT 500 baby!
Have you ever failed a grade?: yup
If you have, what grade did you fail?: 47th grade
Do you have a crush on someone?: oh yeah
Do you have a bf/gf?: yes, yes I do ^_____^
If so, what is their name?: Jessica
How long have you been together?: about 8.5 months
What are you wearing right now?: slightly more than nothing
Would you have sex before marriage?: depends on how sure I am of the relationship
Have you ever had a crush on any of your teachers?: well... there was that one teacher...
Are you a virgin?: Who told you?! I want their name!
Do you smoke?: only if I'm on fire
Are you ghetto?: fo rizzle, biatch!
Are you a player?: no, I'm the dungeon master.
What is your favorite animal?: wolf
Do you have any birthmarks?: *looks* nope
Have you ever gotten your a** kicked?: shockingly, no
Who do you talk to most on the phone?: I don't talk on the phone much
Have you ever been slapped?: many, many times
Do you get online a lot?: Are you kidding? Cut me open and I bleed URLs
Are you shy or outgoing?: yup
Do you shower?: Sha... ow... wher?
Do you hate school?: nope
Do you have a social life?: one tries
How easily do you trust people?: not very, especially my shadow... those shifty eyes...
Do you have a secret people would be surprised knowing?: um...
Would you ever sky dive?: *jumps from a plane* Wheeeeee! wait... where's my parachu... oh @#$%!
Do you like to dance?: only on occasion
Have you ever been out of state?: a whooooole lot
Do you like to travel?: *runs, jumps in a car, boards a plane*
Have you ever been expelled from school?: nope
Have you ever been suspended from school?: once...
Do you want to get out of your hometown?: I like it, but I wouldn't want to be here forever
Are you spoiled?: far from it
Are you a brat?: only when it serves my purposes
Have you ever gotten high?: on caffeine and albuterol
Do you like Snapple?: eh, she's nice enough (yes, I know someone named Snapple)
Do you drink a lot of water?: *glug glug glug*
What toothpaste do you use?: Tuh... ooth... pah...st?
Do you have a cell phone?: nope (pants start ringing) oh wait... I do!
Do you have a curfew?: umpteen o'clock
Who do you look up to?: *looks up* there's no one there...
Are you a role model?: most hope not
Have you ever been to Six Flags or Cedar Point?: yup
What name brand do you wear the most?: I don't
What kind of jewelry do you wear?: class ring, necklace
What do you want pierced?: nothing
Do you like taking pictures: eh
Do you like getting your picture taken?: I'm not photogenic...
Do you have a tan?: fishbelly!
Do you get annoyed easily?: only by certain people...
Have you ever started a rumor?: oh yeah
Do you have your own phone or phone line?: *calls me to find out* according to me I do
Do you have your own pool?: nope
Do you have any siblings?: Yes
Do you get along with your parents?: yes
Have you ever ran away?: from school yes
Have you ever been fired from a job?: nope
Do you even have a job?: I’m a techie
Do you daydream a lot?: ...
What do you want a tattoo of?: not sure...
What do you have a tattoo of?: a picture of a cobra... it grows longer when I'm excited
What does your most recent crush look like?: a good bit shorter, dark hair, chocolate eyes, nice body, great eyes and smile, tan skin, several birthmarks
What’s her/his name?: Jessica
Have you ever been bitched out?: not really
Are you rude?: If the other person deserves it
What was the last compliment you received?: sexy smouldering eyes
Do you like getting dirty?: depends what you mean by dirty... (hides the whips, handcuffs, and restraints)
Are you flexible?: bendy as Gumby
What is your heritage?: mostly Scottish, some German and French
What is your lucky number?: not sure... I thought it was 12, but that didn't work out... (glares at 12) a*****e...
What does your hair look like right now?: shaggy, parted
Could you ever be a vegetarian?: I almost am now, but I loves me some m34t!
Describe your looks? W shaped facial hair, piercing eyes, expressive face, shaggy hair
If you had to completely dye your hair it'd be what color?: clear
Would you ever date someone younger than you?: I am right now
Would you ever date someone older than you?: sure
How many rings until you answer the phone?: depends on who's calling *phone rings for the 16th time* hehehe, sucker
If yes, when was the last time?: huh? What does that have to do with the phone?
Do you look more like your mother or father?: I'm a mix of both
Do you cry a lot?: why would you ask that?! (cries)
Do you ever cry to get your way? No, I leave that to other members of my household
What phrase do you use most when on the phone?: Oy...
Are you the romantic type?: some say yes, some say no. You tell me (drops to one knee, offering a bouquet of roses)
Have you ever been chased by cops?: It wasn't so much a chase as it was them eating my dust
What do you like most about your body? I suppose my chin fuzz
What do you like least about your body?: My arms, wanna thicken em up
When did you have your first crush?: A looooooong time ago
When was the last time you threw up?: uh... last week?
In the opposite sex, do you prefer blondes or brunettes?: yes!
Do you ever wear shirts to show your belly?: nope, just ones that fit tight
What about cleavage?: I don't have cleavage, my boobs aren't that great.
Is your best friend a virgin?: not anymore it seems
Have you ever ******** someone up?: they had it coming!
Have you ever been ******** up?: *glares* better than you have tried
What theme does your room have?: Bluuuuuueeee... swords...
What size shoe do you wear?: 12 1/2
What is your screen name on MSN?: don't got it
How are you feeling right now?: brain dead, as usual
Have you ever given a lap dance?: yes
Have you ever received one?: yeah, but it was short
Has there ever been a rumor spread about you?: too many times
Would you marry for money?: hell no
What do you drive?: Silver 93 Nissan Sentra
Are you more of a mommies or daddies child?: Moms I guess
Would you ever hook up with the same sex?: It was dark! He had long hair! Shut up already!
What kind of music do you like?: metal
Would you ever bungee jump?: *dives* wheeeeee!
Would you ever join the army?: not if I can avoid it
Do you like cows?: Don't have a cow man!
If you were to die today, what would you do?: there are few things I'd have to tell a few people. Go to broadway one more time. Spend as many hours with my gf as possible.
Do you like to party?: P-A-R-T... Why? Because I gotta!
Moon or stars?: Stars, I like the constellations
Coke or Pepsi?: Coke... (snorts)
Favorite scent?: green apple Extra gum... long story
Would you ever dye your hair red?: mabye,
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