Umm, well...I was pulled over by the police on Wednesday night last week. I was issued with a $537 fine for driving an unregistered vehicle. This was the second time I had been fined for this, and the third time I had been pulled over for this and it was honestly not my fault!
This mess had been going on since February (which became the beginning of the week from not only did I get the first fine but I was dumped less than a week later sad )
When I got the latest fine I started to cry a little, not loudly or anything, but just because I wanted the whole mess to be over, and it should have been, but it wasn't (obviously)
The first fine occured because the car dealership from which I had bought the car had not transferred said vehicle into my mum's name. I bought the car from them in April LAST YEAR!!!!
The cop who pulled me over that first time said make the car dealer pay as they were more in the wrong than I was.
My dad ended up paying half the fine as the car dealers didn't get back to us until 2 days before the fine was due and they said that it was my fault and that they were being more than generous in offering to pay for half of the fine...stupid pigs scream
Anyway, they transferred the car into my mum's name, WITHOUT TELLING US in February, on the 20th Feb my dad found out from VicRoads (the licensing authority) that the car had been transferred and he then paid for registration over the phone that day (20th Feb, the day I was dumped at a shopping be fair he wanted to see me at my place to do the dumping, but I wasn't able to drive my car at that time, and I was heading home from uni and there was a station right near the shopping centre and he was going to drive me home...or so I thought...very dramatic but not very relevant anymore, I will always remember how badly things went down that day though).
Fast forwarding to last week. I was driving home from the shops at night (I had bought an apple pie and some cream for my family) and I was pulled over and given a fine because VicRoads said that my registration had been cancelled and the police had to operate according to what was showing on the database.
The next day my sister had to drive me to the VicRoads office and when we showed them the credit card statement with payment to them listed as being taken out they finally fixed things up. The lady serving us didn't really know what to do, but thankfully the man next to her knew what was going on.
The next morning I showed the receipt to the police officer who issued me with the fine, he made a photocopy of it, took the infringement notice and said that he would handle it.
Finally it is over (or at least it should be)!
I have other things to write about, but this is all I have time for right now. I will try to post another entry tomorrow.
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Rachelmarie's Journal!
Umm...this is my journal and will canvas the dire issues of singledom, trying to get things organised for my overseas trip (yippee!) the annoying neccessity that is part-time employment and uni and anything else that comes to mind! Maybe even some po