You woke up and looked at your surroundings. you were in a room tht was all blood red. 'wow! even I don;t like red that much. hehehe.' You felt something move on your kneck. You looked down and saw you had a black strinf around you kneck, attached to that black string is a pendant that looks like this:

. You got up but strted to fell dizzy and sat back down. You looked down at your clothes and saw some one changed you. you were in an outfit that looked like this:

'! WHO REDRESSED ME?! WHEN I FOIND OUT I'LL...' You saw a mirror and rushed over to it. You took a second look and decided you didn't look so bad. You heard giggling and turned around. There floating in the air, was alittle boy who looked like this:

. '! WHAT A ADDORABLE KID!' You ran over and hugged the kid. He was surpirsed, blushed, and wiggled out of your grasp. "Don;t touch me!" he was still blushing and he looked sooooooooo kawaii. "EIIIIII YOU ARE JUST SOOOOOO KAWAII I COULDN'T HELP IT!" He looked surprised and floated back twords the door. You swone dove on him and he fased out of the room. 'damn. hehehe, he was cute though' You sttod up and grabbed the door knob. You pulled open the door and walked out. You saw you were in a ahllway and you just took off runnning. You heard talking come around the coner. 's**t!' You hid in the shadows and saw twp poeple walk past you undetected. You inwardly sighed and got up and just kept running. You saw a door and ran through it. You saw you were on the streets of tokyo. You saw you weren;t that far from your home, so you ran to it. You raced up the stiars and into your apartment. You saw a note and ir said that your sis was invited to a slumber partie and would be back tomorrow. You went to your room and played your guitar for a while, *thsi si your guitar:

and fell asleep.