Last term of my obligatory studies, that means... EXAMS!!!
eek eek eek OMG!!! An entire scool year has almost passed!!! And I hadn't realised till now!! eek eek eek
By now I'm thinking seriously about my studies and future curriculum. I'm planning to study a science high secondary-education course (I've always been good at maths) and then do a degree in industry engineering.
In the other hand, I'm thinking about obtaining the English title in the Official Languages School (my English teacher says in can easily obtain the medium title without taking any classes there whee )and also assist to German classes, 'cause since our career guide told us German is important in engineering I want to finish my German studies which I started in 5th grade. I want to obtain the German title too.
My form misstress (who is actually my English teacher), aked me if I didn't wanted to get the French one too but I told her that I didn't liked French too much and with the odd problem with the French teacher our course has had... talk2hand I' m just not interested in French.
But I'm interestested in other languages appart of English and German: (Languages I can study in the Official Languages School):
+Russian +Japanesse (I love how does it sounds, and my my mother works in a Japanesse company too! xd ) +Chinesse (I've just heard this could become really important... neutral ) +Arabian (I love arabian letters!!!)