Ranting: Water
Pure water. No, it's not going to save the world. Yes, it pisses me off. I was at Starbucks the other day (just one of like, three yuppie establishments I patronize--Sadly, I cannot live without at least one Pumpkin Spice Latte per christmas!) and my sister bought this little bottle of ethos water, which boasts to be the one truly pure water distributor, and I was disgusted. First of all, the stuff tastes like plastic peanuts, which I gather to be the result of UlTrA mInErAlIzAtIoN, to improve the healthy bit. Second, it was waaay overpriced ($4.95 a bottle, $1 of which will go to an organization which supports the advancement of doctors who assist in AIDS research) for what you got--water! And furthermore, the stuff wasn't even cold! If I'm paying five bucks for a biodegradeable plastic vial filled with designer hydrogen dioxide mixed with some important rocks, the s**t had better be the elixir of life, or at least refrigerated and served in a martini glass WITH OLIVE.
Personally, I'm all for "impure" water. I love love LOVE drinking from the tap. Granted, if what comes out is brown or a color not found in nature, I reach for the Brita filter, but still, for the most part, I think natural, unadulterated (not spring water--that stuff takes like wilted lettuce), relatively germ-free water is just great. I mean, the only way you're going to get totally pure water is if you take a can of hydrogen and a can of oxygen in a cleanroom environment and release them together at at least 45 degrees fahrenheit. But I'm sure that the MSRP for cans of O2 and H2 are at least $200 each--completely overpriced, right?