I got a 48-color set of Prismacolor markers last week. They're so hawt and spiffy! O'course, a 72-color set of Copic Sketch markers would be hawter and spiffier, but I need to save up some money first. sweatdrop
w00t! Finally finished Japanese homework! Now to study for t3h maths. Hurray, linear algebra? gonk
I planned out the first volume of Lexcore! Huzzah! Here are the tentative chapter titles:
Prologue [ Note: Prologue was drawn AFTER the first chapter, so the art is higher quality ]
Chapter One: Squad 17, Ready To Rumble [likely to change if chapter is redone]
Chapter Two: A First Taste
Chapter Three: Those We Are Descended From
Chapter Four: Training Mission 1: Find the shop; Consequences of Failure: No pants
Chapter Five: Low Expectations Feed the Leaders

Isn't my trainer card hawt? Ahahaha. That's my LeafGreen team, which totally PWNed the Elite Four [after I did a little leveling whee ].

This be my Pearl team. Hurray!
And this is what my new team will look like [after I get all the badges, but before I go to the Elite Four]:

And another team!

And my list of things to do as soon as school gets out:
1. Start on my Talim costume for Anime Expo (Orochimaru would've been waaaaay too hot to wear, and I'd need more planning to think of what to do about that purple rope thingy he wears...)
2. Better headshots of the Lexcore characters
3. Vectorize the Lexcore logo
4. New banner with new vectorized logo
whee I have to try really hard not to spend too much money at Anime Expo. I think a lot of my money is going to go to manga-buying and manga-paper-buying. Maybe I'll get a few DVDs? Ahaha. Or a plushie! I wanted one of the mail moogle from Final Fantasy: Crystal Chronicles last year. Meeheehee. The year before I got volume 5 of the Excel Saga manga signed by Hyatt's English voice actor. It was exciting! Ahahaha! The Gaia panel was hawt, too. And then it like...doubled in size the next year. Homagawd, eventually they're going to need to use the place that Opening Ceremonies uses. gonk I'll try to remember to take lots of pictures of people cosplaying. That's always exciting...except creepy when it's Man-Faye or fat d00ds cosplaying un-fat d00ds. stressed