Chapter 1: That one letter
"Mail Call!" "Hmm mail I wonder what it could be the three of us never get any mail" Rj thought to himself with wonder. As he looked at the letter his eyes grew in enlightenment and joy, and He Yelled at the top of his lungs "Cooper, Jade get out here!" Rj's brother and sister wondered what it could be, but they to rushed out and cheered with joy when they saw the letter. Rj, read the letter aloud:
Dear Rj, Cooper, and Jade
We here at the empierial army have been obseving you very closely these last few months and we've take note of your special powers and lineages.Rj, being half demon makes you a great candidate for the army. Cooper your brains makes you perfect for the R&D department, and developing weapons. Lastly, young miss jade the empress wishes for you to be her pupil, shes wants to teach you all the magic she knows.
General Lynx
After hearing all that the three wondered if it could really be true, after deciding to take the empire up on this offer they all rushed to the closed base where they would meet General Lynx and the Empress.
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