Okay, so this is going to be an education based rant based upon my current obsession with studying something at some college within Oxford University.
I'd love to take either: History, History and Politics, History of Politics, Art History, PPE or some form or English.
The thing that frustrates me is that my grades are nowhere near good enough.
I feel as if it's so harsh for admission officers to judge you upon exams you took when you were merely fifteen years old. I totally understand why they do it. It's merely that I'm frustrated at myself because three A*'s isn't good enough for Oxford when ten A*'s are so common.
I would love to study at Balliol College and participate in political student groups.
I've decided that I'm going to work as hard as I can over the rest of the year.
If I work as hard as I can I could get good AS-Level grades.
If I get four A's I will consider applying to Oxford.
If I get three A's and one B might consider applying to Oxford although its unlikely.
If I get less that there is really no hope.
It's sort of oddly amusing that I would be more than happy with four B's or over the moon with two A's two B's / two A's two C's but it knocks me out of the Oxford running.
I would be more than happy attending Leeds, Durham, UCL or Kings.
I would love to attend LSE later on and study Law.
This winter I will work as hard as I can.
I will prepare everything for my Economics module.
I will make complete notes for Geography and History. They will be complete so that I can look over them at Easter.
I will make notes on my English coursework and boost my exam technique.
I will agree on a revision timetable.
My first real economics module is January 13th.
Unlucky day for an unlucky subject, methinks.
/ End rant.
Sorry, this exam pressure is really getting to me plus the dream I've had since I was eight.
Granted though, when I was eight I wanted to attend Magdalen College, Oxford and not Balliol but I'm still making my mind up. Not that I'll ever get in let alone apply.
I need to stop reading The Bell Jar.
It's so beautiful but makes me increasingly depressed.
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I've got a lot to say to you,
Yeah I got a lot to say.
I notice your eyes are always glued to me.
Keeping them here makes no sense at all.
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team jon snow.