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A Picturesque Score of Boredom and a Peculiar Fantasy

Daken Tank
Community Member
And Her Quest to Catch the Wild Kai
The adventures of a girl who just wants to catch 'em all

Hullo dears! Let me educate you on what this is all about. You see, one day whilst
playing Pokemon and talking to my dear friends Kai dear, I had the most lovely
daydream of me throwing a pokeball at them. And BOOM, the chronicles of Anne's
quest to catch the wild Kai were born. In these horribly drawn comics I've done on
Autodesk SketchBookPro 2010, I'll take you through my journey in search of Kai,
and meeting other good friends along the way. ;3

Featured people (so far):
- Only This Moment (Anne, Ai)
- feriousfire (Kai)
- Holds Us Together (Andree)

1. And thus, the story began. - [x]
2. Anne's failed attempt to complete Andree's quest. - [x]

It's far from over dears. o: More to come, will you be the next featured? (;

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