This Girl Was Selling "Avvie Art".
Turns Out She Was Selling Dream Avvies.
She Was Getting All Depressed, So I Thought I'd Help.
Me = Lime Green
Her = Cyan
Dream Avvies Can Be Made For Free From TekTek And GavSim.
I Suggest You Try Art Or Graphics.
If You Need And Further Help, Just Ask. :3
No, thats okie, I dont need help, obviously,
you didn't even read the first post, you just assumed,
but thats okay. Its say, "I know why buy a dream avi if you can
just get one for free on well becuase with this, you can
see what other people would think of YOUR dream avi," gosh, thats for
being so rude though, that was really sweet >.>
I Wasn't Being Rude, Did I Ever Once Be Rude To Your Idea?
Did I Screech And yell And Tell You It Sucked?
I Was Suggestion And Pinting Out Things.
Maybe This Is Why People Don't Buy From You, Your Too Touchy.
People Give You An Idea And You Thank Them For Being Rude.
:Thats just boring...and personally I don't like your taste in clothes." Mr. Ehn said that to me. I told him:
"Yes, well then you dont have to do it now do you, but seirously, did you have to
be that rude? I am sorry If you think its boring, I am sorry if
you don't like my taste in
cloths, but there is nothing I can do about it."
You call me touchy, so, you think what I said to Mr. Ehn was touchy?
Why Are You Bringing Him Into It?
Because No One Wants To Pay To Have You Make Dream Avvies
When They Could [[Cheaper/Faster/Easier]] Do It Themselves?
And By The Way, These Aren't Avvie Art...
**False advertisement..**
No, its not, may I repeat my title
~Clears throught~
"Avi art?"
Note: Question mark!!
If You Know It's Not Avvie Art... :l
By Then I Left The Thread, Annoyed By Her.
She kept Babbling On How Her Life Sucked.
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Avvies <333
All The Avvies I WILL Complete. :]