Y E A R S upon this Earth// 19
G U I S E Given// Human [Psychich/Self-Heal]
Sexual P e r s u a s i o n// Male
Love me 4 M E// HEzra is a sweetheart.. he hates seeing people sad, he does not mind going out of his way for people. Too good for his own good he usually ends up being taken advantage of. In the end of the day no matter how they took advantage , at least he was there to help.
W H A T I can - D O// I can see events that will occur in the future, but I cannot control when they will occur and what I will see. I can also heal myself but not completely, only enough to close the wounds, after such, the healing process if that of a normal humans.
HOW I Became// I was born to James and Elizabeth Carlotte on Jun 20th, along with my twin sister Eva. My father passed away when my sister and I were about 3, I don't remember him. A year later my mother married a man named Johnathan Kirin. He adopted both my sister and I. Up until i was 16 my life was fine. My sister and I were a bit odd with our abilities, which we had to hide. When our mother married our step-dad she adopted his son Alex . I got a long with him very well, him and his boyfriend Edward. In a way that was not really normal. One night while staying over at his house, I woke up in screams from a nightmare that had vivid images of our family killed brutally.
That very morning the police were at our door with the news. I don't even want to talk about that night. For the next two years, a lot of things happened. I moved on from Alex and Edward, I met good people, back people, and I found my salvation in music.