Name: Arabella
Gaia Username: SayuriYukishiro
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Species: Vampire. (Not like Krory, still drinks human blood)
Weapon(s): Lucifer's Dagger & Artemis rod
History: Her father, Seishiro, was part of the Black order to protect his only daughter and wife. And her mother, Ariana, was a stay at home mother who loved her daughter very much but died protecting her as well. ( will revise as soon as some inspiration pops up xP)
Other: People often mistake her for a bishounen when she is not wearing her usual outfit due to her extreme flat-chestedness.

Username:: SayuriYukishiro
Name:: Catalyn Adora Galahad Lacrymosa
Age:: 12
Occupation:: Current Head of the Lacrymosa Line, Founder of the Melodic Splendor Company
Feelings towards the other family:: Positive
History:: Catalyn is the daughter of the recently deceased Erynn Lacrymosa. Her mother is very much alive but is off traveling around the world taking care of what used to be her father's duties. After searching for the suspect who killed her father most details lead to the Phantomhive family. The only people left to take care of her is her twin brother, Elliot. Back when they were younger Elliot and Catalyn played with Ciel Phantomhive when the two families and companies were strong partners. A little after the new year passes, Catalyn puts her plan to reunite the bond between the Phantomhive and Lacrymosa into action. Catalyn has now lived alone thanks to her brother wanting to take care of her father's duties instead of her. Elliot loved his sister so and would not want anything to happen to her, dear and sweet the twins were inseparable unless by there own will. Even after trying to commence with her plan, Catalyn has many doubts but cannot find the familiar arms that used to comfort her, to tell her it will be alright and that everything will always go smoothly.

My appearance:
I am called:Adelaide Hilliard Asahina
My shadow is:SayuriYukishiro
The candles on my cake:20
I am the:First General
My powers:Adelaide's innocence resides in a drop of water inside her necklace. That droplet will activate and can form most bladed weapons made of ice, to glacier spikes, to water whips.(Water Elemental, any surroundings with large amounts of water can boost her strength.)
My nationality is:German, Japanese
I am told that I am:Unbelievably Strong, maternal, Loving
A short story:Adelaide's mother died when she was born because of her weak body, her father too died from that same illness 3 years after he took her into the Black Order as he was an exorcist. Adelaide was given her mother's necklace on the day her father died, inside that necklace awakened an innocence her mother didn't even sense. With fast progress at the age of 17 Adelaide made the point breaker of the synchronization between herself and her innocence. Up to ths day she lived a peaceful life in the order simply searching for innocence.
I enjoy: Cold weather, lullabies, music boxes, cute&sweet things, friends, fighting
I hate: humid areas, hot weather, desserts, dry heat, spicy foods
My dirty little secrets: Adelaide kept her pet snapping turtle named, 'Guppy' from when she was little and brought it to the order. It's big as ever. . . and big enough to sit./lay on.
My song: Red Fraction - Mell

Username:: MelancholyM e d i c i n e
Name:: Ciara Aaralyn Philander
Age:: 19
Occupation:: Maid
Feelings towards the other family:: Positive, slightly suspicious
History:: Ciara ran away from home at the age of 14, she pursued her dream of becoming a writer but failed. Taking a rest on the park bench, a young girl noticed her ragged clothing and offered her to be her maid. Ever since then, Ciara took care of Catalyn. Unlike the first few years when Catalyn trained and took care of her.

Screenname SayuriYukishiro
Name Kanou Yukishiro
Age 19
Gender Male
Race Demon
Collar color Pink
Collar Style Thin, cloth
Charms Heart
Jewel Purple
Slave Alwyn
Bio Kanou was raised into a family of slave dealers and bounty hunters. Every member right down to his little 9-year-old sister was trained enough to be recognized as an elite among any crowds. They'd capture large amounts of people frm many different races for profit or themselves. One he had come of age, Kanou's father had to told him to pick/capture his own slave.

Username: SayuriYukishiro
Name: Suzaku Hiromi
Race: vampire
Bio: Born into a family of nomadic vampires with a strong sense of blood lust, Suzaku had a twisted childhood that was basically a halloween nightmare that came true. As messed up as he was back then hadd eventually grown into a more humane state leaving his sadistic nature aside.
Age: 19
Preferred bloodtype: B+