Delirium just another word for....... |
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Posted: Mon Feb 26, 2007 @ 11:01pm
Character Name: Skii (sky) Rainie Rampancy, Lady Rain Age: 20 Gender: Mistress
Personality: Like the sky she was named after, she was forever changing without warning. One minute cool, calm and collected, Like a bright, sunny, serene day. But with the quickness as a flash of lighting, she was a tyrannical storm, reeking havoc across the cowarding earth.
History: Just like the man whom she despised, She enjoyed the simple pleasures of life. Much to her own disgust, she was just like her father, almost becomming his shadow. Every move she had ever made in life mirrored that of her father. From her love of well mannered slaves, to the passion of training them, molding them into something worthy of her time as well as the people around her. Just as her father said she would be, she became inthralled in the slave trade. Ever since the purchase of her first slave, Silver, who still served loyally at her side.
Specialty: Somethings are better left unsaid, after all somethings should be kept secret until their uses are needed. Otherwise, where would all the fun lay.
Extras: Skii is very different from everyone around her, and She likes it that way. In fact, She'd be furious if she were anything else. To the world outside she is a buoyant, fun loving person (most of the time), and is pretty popular among the circles she travels in. Yet deep down she feels the urge to be accepted as who she is, and desperately want someone who is truly there for her. Skii is very indecisive and changes her mind regularly over just about anything. Shes very opinionated, and bulldoze over anyone who doesnt share her views. At times She can be very depressed, though few people realize it with her animated personality. Skii enjoys shocking people with her out there views and beliefs and lets not forget her riske' dress atire. At times however, she urges to be different can work against her, as people dont often enjoy their ideas of right and wrong having any shades of grey. But she doesn't let them get to her. Skii has no doubt heaps of friends, but doesn't always have that close friend/s that she wants and needs. Skii strives to be accepted for who she is, and is protective and loyal to those who earn her trust. There is someone in the shadows who desperately wants to be her friend, who maybe she just hasn't noticed.
Posted: Thu Feb 22, 2007 @ 08:58pm
High School or any other Teen RP
Character Name: Rainie Rain for short or sky by her closer friends Age: 16-18 (age varies) Gender: Female Appearance: Personality: Rain is easy going, not shy but kinda outspoken at times. fearless and bold. Fun loving crazy person. She loves reading, singing and dancing. Shes always been that person in any group, people could talk to or just bug and she wouldn't care either way. She can be your best friend or your best enemy. which ever you prefer. Bio: Rain is very different from everyone around her, and She likes it that way. In fact, She'd be furious if she were anything else. To the world outside she is a buoyant, fun loving person, and is pretty popular. Yet deep down she feels the urge to be accepted as who she is, and desperately want someone who is truly there for her. Rain is very indecisive and changes her mind regularly over just about anything. Shes very opinionated, and bulldoze over anyone who doesnt share her views. At times She can be very depressed, though few people realize it with her animated personality. Rain is great fun to be around, and enjoys shocking people with her out there views and beliefs. At times however, she urges to be different can work against her, as people dont often enjoy their ideas of right and wrong having any shades of grey. But she doesn't let them get to her; Rain is an awesome person who many love. Rain has no doubt heaps of friends, but doesn't always have that close friend/s that she wants and needs. Rain strives to be accepted for who she is, and is protective and loyal to those who earn her trust. There is someone in the shadows who desperately wants to be her friend, who maybe she just hasn't noticed. Other: her favorite past time is to drink and party.
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Community Member
Posted: Thu Feb 22, 2007 @ 08:51pm
Slave or MasterCharacter Name: Rainie "Skii" Sunshine Rain for short or skii (sky) by her closer friends Age: 17 Gender: Female Appearance: Personality: Rain is easy going, not shy but kinda outspoken at times. fearless and bold. Bio: Rain is very different from everyone around her, and She likes it that way. In fact, She'd be furious if she were anything else. To the world outside she is a buoyant, fun loving person, and is pretty popular. Yet deep down she feels the urge to be accepted as who she is, and desperately want someone who is truly there for her. Rain is very indecisive and changes her mind regularly over just about anything. Shes very opinionated, and bulldoze over anyone who doesnt share her views. At times She can be very depressed, though few people realize it with her animated personality. Rain is great fun to be around, and enjoys shocking people with her out there views and beliefs. At times however, she urges to be different can work against her, as people dont often enjoy their ideas of right and wrong having any shades of grey. But she doesn't let them get to her. Rain has no doubt heaps of friends, but doesn't always have that close friend/s that she wants and needs. Rain strives to be accepted for who she is, and is protective and loyal to those who earn her trust. There is someone in the shadows who desperately wants to be her friend, who maybe she just hasn't noticed.
Posted: Thu Feb 22, 2007 @ 07:37pm
SlaveCharacter Name: Rain, though she often answered to Skii (Sky) by her former master. Age:18 Race: Human Type of Master wanted.: Being the kind of person she is, she often need a strong Master, one who isn't afraid to remind her of her place. Spare the rod, spare the slave was term use most often by her pervious master. Though she often needed it, she needs a Master that know whats she wants and needs. Appearance: ~Rain~Bio:Rain's soul was born in the shadows of the moon at night. Shes all mystery and enigma, her element being the Moon. No one really knows who she is, but they might think they know her. She only tells people fragments of who she is and never shows her true personality. That doesn't have to mean that shes being someone shes not though. Rain is always herself and will never do something just because someone else does or tells her to. Some might think shes a little cold or dull, but Shes just hiding her true self for some reason. Maybe only a couple of selected people have ever seen the true her. Rain is loyal to these people and it will take time if anyone else wants to gain her trust. Shes let people think that they know her and that she trust them. But sooner or later they will realize that they never really knew her. Be that as it may, Someday Rain might need someone who knows what she need. Back Ground/ Entry post A lone figure stood in the shadows of a lonely cell. The silhouette of a the figure could be see as young woman. The silhouette showing off evey curve of her body as she turned from where she stood, moving deeper into the cold cell as if trying to hide. The roar of the fabric calling itself her skirt and cloak, seemed angered by the playful passes of her movement, hissing more wildly with each step she took.
A soft smrik played of her pale lips. No, pale wouldn't be right words to use to describe her lips. Her lips were such a soft pale pink, they almost took the look of fain silver accented by a pale purple. At first glance, it would look as thought she suffered from the lack of air, but upon looking closer, it seem natural to her looks. Complimenting her Silvery white whisps of hair that adorn her face, framing her face for the world to see. The deepnest of her burgandy eyes, seem to catch the light from her hair so well, giving her eyes an eeire twickle. Though strads of lose hair from her bangs often shielded her eyes from the world, as if not wanting to share their deepths with the common folk. Her fair skin hued with a fain light tan, giving her a creamy complexion.
Yes, all in all everything about her body seem to compilment itself rather nicely. Her previous master taking great care in her appearance, never maining her to hard or deep as not to leave any mark or scars of her young flesh. Oh how her old Master loved to look upon her, his eyes never getting enough of her unique features. Many of hour spent upon her care. Even her clothes had to compliment her, if they did anything to hender her beauty, that was not allowed. Everything she wore must always accent her own beauty, even her manners.
Nothing was spared in her training, her displine, her conduct must always be flawless. Nothing seem to please him more but when she failed. He was a twisted man, taking great pleasure in punishing her for her mistakes, anything a simple a spilling a drop of wine from the bottle as she poured it would give him good reason to take her over his knee right then. Yes shame and humiliation was all apart of the training she recived.
But now as she waited in the deiry cell, her manners never changed. She still held that spirit her Master loved to see in her. That spark, that most would frown upon a slave having. It still laid deep within her, laying still till the moment presented itself for it to come fourth and reveal itself to all who cared to see.
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