Cakes in Bowls
Today I plan to tell you a little secret: If you go to a buffet (I'm not sure if all buffets do this, but the one I work at does) and you go to the desert line, there may be strange looking cakes in large bowls where you just scoup some out. The ones at my work have pudding and whip cream on top. I highly suggest not to take some of this! These are Leftover Cakes. What happens is this: the cooks take the odds and ends of all the cakes that are left over, which are just the last few pieces. They then take the pieces of cake and cut off all the icing and stuff like that, so only the actual cake is left. Then, somehow, I'm not sure how, they kinda melt down all the extra pieces of cake and mush it all together to make new cake batter. They then put some of it into a bowl, then they put some jell-o into it (I'm not sure if the jell-o is leftover jell-o or not), then they put more of the leftover cake batter into it. Then they top it off with pudding and whip cream. So, if you go to a buffet, and see a strange cake in a bowl (a sure sign is if the cake is more than one color. Once I saw a Left Over cake that was brown and orange), you really shouldn't take it. Some people like, I personally think it tastes rancid. But that's just me. Ok, that's all the confessing from me. So long!
Posted by: ChioneT Sat Aug 26, 2006 @ 05:59am
The Beginning
Hey all. My name is Chione*, and I am a waitress. Not just any waitress, a buffet waitress! Now, you may ask, "Why does a buffet need waitresses? Don't you get your own food?" That is true, but who gets you your drinks? Or seats you? Or takes your bill at the till? Waitresses! And I am one of them. It's not exactly a fulfilling job... and it's definately not the funnest. But it does have it's interesting sides. And that's what I have chosen to write about here, for you readers to see what's on the otherside of those swinging kitchen doors. I plan to document the good, and the bad, of being a buffet waitress. What annoys me, and what I find pleasing about my job. And I plan to expose so of the, well, grosser things that take place in the restaraunt I work in. And that's about it from me right now. I hope you'll check back here for my first confessional. So long!
*it ain't my real name, though I do really like it...
Posted by: ChioneT Tue Aug 22, 2006 @ 07:10am