xxxxxName: Miko
xxxxxEye Color: Blue
xxxxxHair Color: Blue
xxxxxHeight: 4'9
xxxxxWeight: 90 LBS
xxxxxBody Type: Very Thin
xxxxxDislikes: Conflict, Violence, Drama, and hiccups
xxxxxPersonality: Miko is always a very happy person, She loves to laugh and be around friends. She's intimidated easily and trys to avoid conflict the best that she can. She's also very careless and accident prone which normally causes trouble for her.
xxxxxTheme Song(s): Trapnest-Wish
xxxxxUsual Attire: Miko loves wearing sun dresses and sandals.
xxxxxTattoos / Markings / Piercings: Miko has a butterfly tatto on her lower back, and angel wings on her upper back.
xxxxxReiatsu Color: Blue
xxxxxBiography: -work in progress-

xxxxxSquad: 13
xxxxxRank: Soldier
xxxxxSquad Ability: [P]ower Limiter
[T]his Squad Ability seals every opponent's "Highest Ranked Powers" (Powers = Kido Spells, Hollow Spells, and Vizard Abilities).
[T]he opponents cannot use their highest Ranked Powers while they are fighting a Member of Squad 13. In Role plays, this Ability will only be effective within 300 yards. Outside of that Area, all enemies can freely use their Highest Ranked Powers.

xxxxxZanpakuto Name: TAKEO (meaning Valiant warrior/man)
xxxxxZanpakuto Sealed Appearance:

xxxxxSealed Zanpakuto Position: Left Waist
xxxxxZanpakuto Spirit Appearance:

xxxxxZanpakuto Personality: -work in progress-

Shikai One
xxxxxIncantation: Hush TAKEO
xxxxxPhysical Change: Miko plunges her katana into the ground as she says the incantation. A strong burst of freezing wind comes from the impact.
xxxxxShikai Power: Ice forms in the shape of thorny vines around the battle feild. Anything that comes into contact with these vines receives instant severe frostbite bad enough to cause necrosis and stiffness of the affected area, which gradually goes away after 10 posts.


xxxxx-Furikkā - Flicker Step

xxxxx20% 1. Shō (Thrust)
xxxxx35% 2. Beniikazuchi (Crimson Thunder)
xxxxx50% 3. Kuukuu no Akuryoku (Grip of the Void)
xxxxx50% 4. Byakurai (White Lightning)
xxxxx50% 8. Kutsuunomaru (Circle of Pain)
xxxxx50% 11. Tsuzuri Raiden
xxxxx50% 12. Fushibi (Ambush Flare)
xxxxx20% 1. Sai (Restrain)
xxxxx35% 2. Kabe (Wall)
xxxxx35% 4. Hainawa (Crawling Rope)
xxxxx50% 8. Seal of Patience
xxxxx50% 9. Geki (Strike)
xxxxx30% 12. Tundras Coat
xxxxx50% 13. Earthern Maw
xxxxx50% 16. Ryuusa (Quicksand)
xxxxx50% 48. Shimmering Mirror
xxxxx50% 3. Blue Mist