Well it's December now and that means that winter has started!
rofl So many things have happened. We had three music performances with my school and two 5 star hotels and at our school. It was so tiring!
gonk And now in about two weeks we have winter vacation!
biggrin Christmas is coming too, and that means gift shopping
4laugh (and gift receiving
xd ) For the vacation, I'm being dragged to Vietnam for 6 weeks
eek Can you believe it! I'm gonna miss 2 weeks of school ( although I don't know if I should be happy or sad) I'm still gonna miss the fun time I had with my friends Chaba, Yume and Nenshou last year! We had so much fun
wink I also got a camera!
whee Finally! It's a silver cyber-shot T-77 from Sony. Hey I'm not trying to brag but it's my first camera and I'm really happy
sweatdrop Huh and I finally got a update for my profile and I managed to stuff in a playlist. And the new Twilight movie came out awhile ago! I wanna see it so bad! Also I finished the whole book series already. the song from the movie called Decode - Paramore is also really good. Niw I'm blabbling for nothin
lol Oh wat-eva
cool Another day of blabbling to people who don't even read my journal
blaugh Enjoy your winter! mrgreen
Ps. Here's a awsome picture I fell in love with
4laugh Love ya!Fumi