ItaXhida Fanfiction part1
Crimson tears
Thunder clashed over head, and the rains pelted the ground like bullets on metal.
Roses are red
Violets are blue.
The angel is dead
And heaven is to…
A boy whispered the poem to himself, dripping in blood he watched the grey clouds roll over head. “Why? Jashine, how could you abandon me now!?” blood dripping from his hands, lying on the inside of the building was the amekage and his council dead on the ground. “How, this isn’t possible, no, no” tears mixing with blood as they dripped to the floor.
“Sweet surrender.” The boy dropped his kunai and stood with his head held to the clouds. “jashine, help me!” he dropped to his knees and stared at the sky for what seemed like hours. The rain dripped onto his pale skin and down his slick silver hair. mortal eyes closed for the last time, as it began.
Prayers where answered and the non-believers put to rest. “I shall kill myself every time by request, then my god will judge my enemies” he dropped his hands to his sides and took one last look around at his mortality. Pain and suffering was his life and death was out of reach, no longer a blockade in his life.
story start -------------------
Deidara was wondering around in the forest. it was getting dark but the light still touched the tops of the trees. Itachi looked around while standing on the top of a small hill over looking the forest. He had been there many times but never on a mission.
“ where could that stupid terrorist be?” he thought to himself. Itachi jumped into the forest and began to recon the area. He started with the small areas and worked his way in. it was getting dark in the forest as afternoon approached quickly and quietly.
Deidara sighed and sat down on the ground, tired of traveling on for two days straight. He leaned against a tree.
“he could be anywhere” itachi whispered. His voice making silent sounds as the trees gently blew into the small wind. “But where?” he said softly. Deidara's ears picked up a voice near by and silently climbed the tree. “this is going to be harder than i thought” Deidara watched as a man in a black cloak with red clouds on it walked around.
Itachi slowly turned around as the wind picked up, he looked in all directions and decided to search higher. Maybe the boy was hiding in plain sight. Deidara stayed still, his breath calm and his mind set.
Deidara stayed absolutely still
itachi tired to use sharingon to copy any moves nearby, he ended copying the movements instead and was looking down towards the ground. Deidara was not using moves but he was looking down onto Itachi, making himself an easy target for the sharingon.
Itachi then looked up and saw something on a branch of the tree. Deidara hoped he wasn't looking at him.
"You, get down here now!" Itachi spotted the boy in the tree. Deidara stayed frozen afraid to move, he thought that Itachi had spotted him and that meant possible death.” I said get down here…stupid bird, I can’t see anything with it in the way” Itachi rubbed his eyes, he was tired from searching a vast forest. It had been a long day and all he wanted to do was lay down and sleep.
Deidara stayed where he was. The tree clicked making small noises because of Deidara’s weight on the brace. Slowly Itachi turned around and accidentally ran face first into a tree, Deidara was trying so hard not to laugh, he was about to slip when he braced himself again.
As itachi stepped backwards, he hit the tree Deidara was in and knocked Deidara off one of the weaker branches. Deidara was able to catch onto another branch and held tight to it. He was slipping, but knew that his cover was blown the moment he fell. Scared Deidara just hung there.
The noise of the branches and Deidara made Itachi look up, he saw the rouge ninja clinging to one of the branches
“Ha, I found you!” Deidara said nothing as he tried to get onto the branch “and Kisame said I couldn’t” Itachi whispered softly to himself. Deidara still tried to get onto the branch that was like only 5 feet form the ground. Itachi reached up and yanked Deidara to the ground, he had finally got his footing back and was ready to take down the ninja but remembered that he was on an escort mission to bring him back to the base. Deidara dropped to the ground and quickly tried to scramble away.
“don't move and I wont kill you, yet…” Deidara stayed frozen and shut his eyes in fear. “I have been sent here to retrieve you, it is my mission to bring you back alive, but I was never given the order to keep you completely alive.” Deidara gulped silently in fear, afraid for his life and everything he had. Even if it wasn’t much, His freedom, his life, his art and doing what he loved the most. He wasn’t ready to give all that up. Not now, not never.
“you either do what i say or i drag you back barely breathing, got that!”
"Y-Y-Yes sir...” Deidara said shakily in fear.
“Now stand up”
Itachi looked at the boy in the eyes and began to wonder why leader-sama wanted him. Deidara slowly stood up looking around and trying to grasp what just happened.
“what is your name?” Itachi asked turning away.
"D-Dei-Deidara sir." he said shakily.
“ never mind I don't care. You are being recruited, forced into, drafted, or whatever you want to call it, into the…never mind. I won't tell you. You’re not worth it” Deidara only nodded, knowing he wasn't worth anything. Itachi whispered only loud enough for Deidara to hear "what kind of low-life scum is leader-sama recruiting these days" shaking his head at Deidara
Deidara wasn't offended by this. He was called worse.
"You are right." he replied calmly.
“are you coming or do i have to fight you first?” Itachi asked. He looked at Deidara, mad. He hated this mission and Deidara the moment he saw him.
"I'll come." he said.
Itachi stood behind Deidara in an instant, he started directing Deidara towards a clearing. Deidara just walked where the man told him to walk at. Itachi looked around and tried to imagine what life in the akatsuki was going to be like with Deidara. Was it going to be fun? Or was it going to be hell. These were hard thoughts but the moment was worse. He was in a forest all alone with the boy.
Deidara wondered where they were going. He had never been in this part of the forest and actually never knew it had existed. Maybe it was a trick and the man was going to ambush him. Never the less he wouldn’t let his guard down for a moment. Itachi was looking at deidara from behind, ‘okay, is this a boy or girl?’ he was confused but startled at this thought. Why was he asking this to himself, did he actually care?
Deidara felt eyes on him but said nothing.
“where we are going Deidara, mercy is a word not know to many.” itachi began wondering why he was warning Deidara. Did he suddenly care for someone?
"I do not know what mercy is." he replied
It would have been funny to see him hurt and them laughing, just like he was inside when he saw Sasuke crying. Sasuke was weak and maybe this Deidara was the same way as him. Maybe that’s the reason that he surrendered so quick.
“Then whatever” Itachi replied. Deidara fell silent as she walked on.
“Okay stop moving” itachi said when they reached the clearing. Deidara stopped right on cue, but gave no warning that he was going to stop right where he stood. Itachi tripped over Deidara not realizing he stopped. Itachi knocked Deidara over and landed on him. Deidara stared at Itachi and started to blush inside. He was cut on his arm from a small rock. Itachi pushed back off Deidara and sat down on the grass as Deidara stood up.
"Sorry." Deidara said and helped the man up.
“Where are you?” Itachi asked.
"Right here, next to you."
The sun was blinding itachi even more than he already was so he was trying to accept the help that Deidara offered he accidentally pushed Deidara down by accident thinking he was using a tree for support
Deidara said nothing, and was laughing on the inside. He had never seen such a dangerous person act so clumsy.
Itachi was lying across Deidara’s legs so when Deidara got up it hurt itachi, he couldn't move and couldn't see. he was afraid that Deidara would take advantage of this moment and run. He might fail the mission but maybe it would be a good thing. He surely wouldn’t have to deal with him if that happened but then again, he would have to deal with leader-sama.
Deidara helped the man up.
“oh um thanx” Itachi spoke the words naturally. He was shocked, never speaking those words and to suddenly say them without a problem was strange. Had something come over him? What was it? He didn’t understand the sudden urge of politeness.
"Your welcome." she said quietly. Itachi stared at Deidara for a moment and blushed on the inside, he couldn't show his emotions, ever.
Deidara asked, "Where are we?"
“i don't remember. I suppose I should tell you my name since we are totally away from society now…or not” itachi thought over and over ‘should i tell him my name? or will she be scared if she knows me...’ once again he pondered about why he cared if Deidara was scared or not. He should be scared; standing in front of an S-rank criminal socializing isn’t exactly comfortable. Deidara only starred at the man, wondering what he was thinking of.
“You know, if you keep staring I’m going to have to hurt you in ways even the devil would have never thought of”
Deidara looked away. For the first time itachi felt bad for scaring someone, he had never thought of how they felt until now. ‘What is this feeling? It feels so strange?’ itachi thought to himself again. He quickly brushed the thought away hoping it wouldn't linger on his mind. Deidara remained silent. He didn’t want to upset the man. It could be potentially deadly for one of them.
“do you remember which way we came from?” Itachi asked Deidara.
“Yes, that way." Deidara pointed to the direction they came from.
“Okay so we are heading forward. From here on you must be blindfolded” Itachi hated that part, he had to touch the boy and that made everything strange.
"Alright." Itachi pulled out a blindfold and put it over Deidara’s eyes
“By the way my name is Uchiha Itachi, come on.”
Itachi walked forward forgetting that Deidara had the blindfold on, stayed where he was, not knowing where to go.
“Aren’t you coming?” Itachi asked him.
"I-I can't see Uchiha-sama." he said. Itachi stopped and turned around. He was mad, he wanted to forget Deidara; the boy was corrupting his mind and made strange things happen.
“I’m…never mind” he couldn't believe he almost apologized. The last time he could remember himself saying sorry to anyone was before he killed his clan. Itachi walked over to Deidara and grabbed Deidara’s arm, “okay now just follow me” Deidara nodded and followed Itachi. Itachi was becoming more than mad, he was embarrassed. An S-rank criminal guiding a strange boy to the base with a blindfold on, and to make it worse he had to hold onto the girl’s arm that made him feel freak out on the inside, even worse then Zetsu’s feeding day, when a innocent child, or civilians are guided into the base and never to see the light of day again. At first even for itachi it was horrifying. Deidara remained silent for he did not know what to say
It wasn’t' the fact that Itachi was going to have to live with him but the fact Itachi found her kinda cute. He couldn’t’ figure out this feeling he had, but he didn’t want to trust it for anything. He would gladly become a meal for Zetsu-san if it meant he would never have to feel this way again.
“Okay here we are” Itachi pushed Deidara into a dark room and removed the blindfold. Deidara couldn't se anything at first and remained still but, soon his eyes adjusted to the darkness. Itachi clicked the deadbolt on the single empty room.
“this is where your staying. We will give you food and water, but you are not to leave this place even if your life depends on it, and if you try you life will. I will be on guard here from the time you entered till leader says otherwise
"Alright Uchiha-sama." Deidara said as calmly as he could.
“from the moment you entered this room your life is now in my hands. My orders where to bring you here alive but once here your under my rules” Deidara only nodded, understanding. “Deidara do you know why we wanted you here?” the only objects n the room were a table and two chairs. One at the table and one by the locked door
"No, No I don't." he said.
“you are a terrorist bomber, that’s why you’re here”
"Oh, okay. I understand,"
Itachi sat down by the door. He was thinking about everything that happened today and was hoping that things would suddenly get better. Maybe it wasn’t so bad, or maybe someone would make it better. Deidara went to one of the dark corners and sat in it, bringing her knees to his chest.Deidara said nothing
Screaming was heard outside of the room. It was a girl but no one outside said anything. It was loud and horrifying, Itachi began to shudder at the thought. Itachi quickly glanced ad Deidara but said nothing or made any movements. Deidara wondered who screamed.
He clutched his knees to his chest tighter. itachi began shaking more violently than before, thinking when he saw it for the first time.
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Fan Fiction! and other random crap!
okay, imma writing fanfictions and i write random stuff all the time! so pls enjoy!
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