Sonata was walking down the street, blasting rock music in her headphones when she heard someone cussing even louder than her very loud music. She paused her rock fest and took out one headphone and looked around confused. ‘Where the hell did that come from?’ she thought. Then she heard extremely loud cussing and followed it to an ally. There she saw a white haired man basically getting attacked by fangirls.
“What the ******** is going on here?” She asked loudly over the screams and squeals of the fangirls. All the girls went silent and looked at her with disgust. “What?” Sonata asked, getting pissed. “You’re not getting Hidan-Chan from us and that’s that.” said one of the girls snobbishly. “What the hell is you’re problem b***h?” Sonata cussed at her. “And what the hell is with the nickname. Hidan-Chan? You make him sound like a ******** chick!” Sonata yelled at them. Some of the girls scoffed and others got angry and stormed off.
While the fangirls were focused on Sonata, Hidan snuck away, silently thanking her and promising that he will find her later. Soon after Sonata beat up some prisses, the girls noticed that Hidan had snuck off. They all walked off mumbling ‘crap’ and other things. Sonata just scoffed and walked off, blasting her music ounce again.
Again Sonata was walking down the street when a hand landed on her shoulder and she turned, ready to defend herself. When she turned she saw the last thing she thought she would see standing in front of her, standing there was Hidan. “Hey thanks for helping me back there.” He said looking at her with a smirk on his face. “No prob.” She said waving it off. “Lemme pay you back somehow.” He insisted. “What did you have in mind?” she inquired, not knowing what to expect out of this boy.
Hidan grabbed her hand and ran. They ran all the way down Third Street until they got to a restaurant called The Lost Café. “So as payment to me you’re taking my out to eat?” she asked. “Yup.” He said as they walked in, Hidan still holding her hand. “Cool.” She said smirking the same smirk as him. “Table for two please.” Hidan said to the waiter person. Then he whispered to him “Somewhere private please.” He whispered and passed the waiter a 5 dollar bill.
The waiter nodded and told them to follow him. They followed him all the way to that back and sat down. “I will be back to take your order.” The waiter said and left, leaving them alone. “So….tell me about yourself.” Hidan said staring into Sonata’s eyes. “You first.” She replied smirking again. “Fine. I’m Hidan. I cuss a lot, I’m immortal, I want someone to love and I worship Lord Jashin.” He said looking at her, waiting for her to answer. “I’m Sonata, I’m immortal too, I want someone to love and I too worship Jashin-Sama.” She said looking into his captivating violet eyes. “Then I guess were made for one another.” He said smirking.
Then out of nowhere he leans in and presses his warm lips against hers. She pushes back and they both smirk. With Jashin-Sama’s approval they start to kiss each other more. She slips her hands around his neck and he holds her hips. He pulls back and chuckles. “What?” Sonata asks him. “Nothing It’s just I’ve never shown anyone this side of me. Be mine?” he asks her looking deep into her brown eyes. “Of course.” She says smiling lovingly at him. They kiss again and then go to the park. There they fall asleep on a park bench together. After that they could never be separated.
Skye walked out onto the beach, right into the art convention. She was so excited. She loved art and couldn’t wait to see the famous artists and the demonstrations. Skye was walking around, looking at booths, when she heard them announce the demonstrations. She sprinted to the stage and watched as a girl painted. After the girl got off stage a blonde teenage boy walked up. “Hi I’m Deidara and I’m gonna show you my art. Please do not scream.” He said excitedly into the microphone, smiling from ear to ear. He crowd was confused about the part of not screaming until he took off his gloves. Right there on his palms were two extra mouths. A gasp came from the crowd and some girls screamed and fainted.
Skye actually thought it was really cool. Deidara looked up when the judge came his way and whispered something into his ear. Deidara nodded sadly and got off stage, put his gloves on and walked off with his head down, his hair blocking his face from view. . Skye tried to see where he went but the crowd was jeering at him and calling him a “freak”, so she couldn’t see where he had went. Skye was angry and stormed onto the stage. “Hey!” she yelled into the microphone to get the crowd’s attention. All of the crowd looked at her and went silent, waiting for her to say something.
Skye glared at them all. “You should be ashamed of yourselves. You are just being bullies by calling him names for just being different.” She said hotly. “He can’t help it! It’s a birth defect!” she snarled at them. ‘How do you know!” yelled someone in the crowd. “Because I have it too.” Skye glared. “Yeah right! Show us then!” yelled someone else. Skye pulled off the fingerless gloves and showed her palms to the crowd. They all gasped as her palm mouths smiled up at them. Again some girls screamed and fainted. She stormed off the stage and ran as the crowd was jeering at her too. She finally stopped at a rock. She sat on it and let her tears fall.
“What’s wrong?” asked a voice behind her. Skye turned as she wiped her eyes of the tears. It was Deidara standing there.“Nothing. I just hate how people make fun of people like us.” She said sniffling. “I know me too. But it’s ok. We can do so much more than them.” He said sitting down next to her, comforting her by holding her close to him. Skye smiled “That it true.” She said. “Yeah. You know what else is true?” He asked her. “What?” she asked smiling, even though she already knew the answer. ‘Art is a blast.” Deidara said smiling down at her. Then he leaned down and pushed his warm lips against hers. She kissed back, smiling into the kiss.
She wrapped her arms around his neck and his hands found their way to her waist. Soon he pulled away and brought his lips to her ear. “Be mine?” he asked, his breath tickling her ear, sending shivers down her spine. “I wouldn’t have it any other way.” She replied, kissing him again. Then she sighed and lay back and cuddled into him. He had his arms around her as they sat together in the moonlight, watching the water go in and out. Soon the rhythmic beat of his heart put her to sleep. Deidara looked down at her and chuckled softly. “Goodnight my sweet angel.” He whispered brushing a strand of hair out of her face. He kissed her on the forehead and soon they slept side by side on the white beach sand. After that night they were inseparable and lived happily ever after