EDIT:My birthday's over but i still want these ;D It's my birthday[Feb 11th]!! huzzah!! What i'm going to list here is what I want...anytime...but not everything is listed ._. OH YEAH...GIMME ART!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Marketplace: One thing I really want besides penguins: Sealed envolope 02/2007 Other: PENGUINS!! Ice whip gift of goddess[Yes I want another one xD] Shadow spirit pixie G-bot Angelic microphone Mini UFO Elemental hair Flame sword [And more stuff i won't mention, but I want all of the monthly collectible a course xD So any monthly is fine ;D] Barton boutique: Tundra boot[all but black] Black musketeer top good ol' reindeer set Fairy wings[of course ;D]
Barton jewelers: Gold hoop earrings Pearl necklace HIPster blue tint shades Monocle
Gambino hat rack: Bao Any paintbrush Sun daze marine hat White puffy hat White beret Ducky hat Decorative daisy Elven ears Bunny luv Pirate patch
Outfitters: Drop dead gorgeous Midnight gown Blue forbidden skirt
Durem Depot: Fairy wand Black GetaGRIP skirt Outlaw biker pants
H.R. Wesley: That 70s White shirt Royale purple pimpin hat
Crate and apparel: Icemist dragon gown Nightwind dragon gown Any kimono[=D]
What is there that I dont want from Prize & Joy? Oh, Nothing!!
Ok, i'm willing to donate to people and i join this thing call <i forget, but i'll find it> and i'm broke but i will earn gold and donate!! but i'm also questin so it's hard, please do kill me with begs!! gonk