Tonight's Bones had a v. visual kei visiting forensicologist. The B-plot involved the squints' efforts to figure out if Dr. Tanaka was male or female (he was male ).
Also ultra-cute on TV tonight, Liz Lemon's 'night cheese' song. It makes me want to eat cheese. At night! Sadly, Tina Fey jossed my 'ship on that show (much like Bones, one of the few shows where I <3 a het 'ship... weird!), but continues the 'ship tease. And of course Kenneth was cute. Kenneth is always ultra-cute.
At least with Bones, I rest easy with the assurance that, if they come to what the creative team feels is the end of the series (or have ample warning about an executive can order), they'll resolve the UST, because come on, obvious like an anvil to the mind-box.
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