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The Life of Vampire Olivia
If you get on Quizilla you may be fimilar with this story. Well it is written by me but it had really bad problems so I will continue it on here but I will also start back with first chapter. Also please subscribe because the story is getting really
The Life of Vampire Olivia {chp:9}

Well it was now the day of which she had classes. For this reason she got up at 6:00am, took a speedy shower, got dressed, then ran straight out the door. She was hoping to meet Angel in a random way but she didn't, or atleast she didn't at first. She saw alot of fellow vampire students all following each other to one way so she followed them. Luckily she did because she found a hunge board with peoples names on it.
"WHOA!!! Looky here!!! Its Olivia!! HI!!!" Artemis said with delight. "Up pretty early i'll say hehehe."
"Oh hello Artemis. What classes do you have?" Olivia asked.
"Well I have whichever classes you have!" Artemis said with a big smile.
"So your saying we have the same classes?" Olivia asked again.
"Yup Yup Yup! Also I looked at Angel's for you and he's in all your classes also hehehe." Artemis said with an innocent look.
At that moment Olivia's face turned red and she said,"OMG!!! I am so glad!!! And we are going out so i'll try my best to sit as close to him as possible." But as she said that she didn't realize the cute Angel behind her.
"Well Ms.Olivia i'd be happy to sit close to you in class." Angel said practically giving Olivia a hearthattack.
"Oh hi Angel!!!!!" Artemis said with delight.
"Hello Angel but please don't do that you nearly killed me. Plus I am new to being a vampire so the things you could do as a vampire..." Olivia said with a slight shiver.
Angel felt that shiver so he did the one thing noone would expect. First in just one split second he tilted her head then he sucked her blood. To be considerate Artemis turned her head thinking of the pain Olivia might be going through because if there was any way to suck blood, it was to never do it in reverse as in standing behind the person. Artemis didn't want anyone to see this so she put the three of them into a whole new relm. When Olivia noticed it she screamed at the top of her lungs. Then Angel released his grip and wipped his mouth to clean the fresh red blood off his mouth. " Wow and to think you would've screamed so much." Angel said.
"Angel...," Olivia started "Why would you do that...It...It hurt so much..."
"Well I figured it would happen some day. Also you can put us back in out relm Atemis, I am done...for now." Angel said as he felt another shiver from Olivia.
"KAY!!!!!!!" Artemis said as she said a spell then they were back.
"Don't worry gosh Olivia. I'm not gonna hurt you I was joking. Besides i'd rather the pain comming from me then someone else. Agree?" Angel said.
Olivia took a long sigh,"Agreed." she said.
And with that the trio hurried along to class and started a long harsh school day.

The Life of Vampire Olivia {chp:8}

The morning sun came up and Olivia was up sitting at the foot of her bed. She was getting ready for the last day of her break before school actually starts, the next day. She knew she had forgotten to forget something but she couldn't put it on the tip of her tounge. Then it hit her with one little word of a fragment of an idea, she forgot to write in her diary.
She then looked around for it. But before she noticed anything she had noticed that the earth element protection shield wore off so the flowers were dead. She still couldn't forget how sneaky her mom was and for that she was glad of that personality.
She got done dressing and found her diary at that moment. "Well I won't be able to write all the time and if my mom plans on checking it...I wouldn't wanna write about...what happened last night."
Olivia said. That horrible memory stayed in her head like a memory that was good one. She knew it was Angel. "IT was his body. IT was his voice. No it couldn't be his voice." Olivia kept thinking, "That voice...It wasn't him...It had an evil tone to it, not the sweet Angel I know. Something was controlling him but I just don't know what it was. Maybe something like...A poision! Even though," Olivia was pacing the floor of her dorm now," there are different types of poisions that happen during the ceremony! Maybe an evil force from outside is 1 of them." She then walked out of her room with her diary on the bed, all alone, is this the best choice.
Then once she got outside there Angel was right there posed upon a tree reading a book. Then once he got a glace of her he slammed the book closed and walked twords her. She started to walk back slowly but in the nick of time he was right there staring at her, as if he used a teleportation device to help him. "Oh. Good Morning Angel." Olivia said with fear and a little shake in her voice.
"Olivia, I am so sorry about yesterday. But you must answer this fairly. Do you want to stay with me? If so your life might be in danger but if you leave now things might losen up for you. It's your choice." Angel asked.
"But why must I answer this? I mean your the one who knows how they think the other person should be so why me?" Olivia asked with a type of unknown fear.
"Because if I had suddenly decided that I didn't wanna be with you but you wanted to stay then wouldn't that just break your heart? So I ask you to be nice in a way." Angel responded.
"Oh ok. Then I stay! It's totally ok if something bad happens i'll recover and then we'll talk about how funny it was in the end right!" Olivia said with a giggle.
"Heh your right. Well I should be going." And with that last word Angel disappeared off, only for Olivia to wonder how and where he went.
Then after exploring the university she got hungry. Like really really hungry. So she looked around and in a close walking distance she saw a university super market. When she went in it was incredible! It had an upstairs and a downstairs! It was like a mini-grocery mall! She knew that she was gonna love this university. She picked up alot of stuff and got it all free because it was her first time comming to the market so since it would be the first groceries it was all free! Luckily it was because the price would've benn a couple of hundred dollars.
When she walked out of the market carrying all of the groceries Angel was right there staring at her.
"Here lemme help you with that." Angel said kindly as he grabbed most of the bags. "So I see you really shopped today huh?"
"Yeah! But I mean that place was so huge I mean it made it very hard not to ummm over-shop." Olivia said hesitantly."Also since I have alot of food would you like to have dinner with me?"
"Sure! I mean what ar you going to cook?" Angel said happily.
"I'll cook some spagetti. I mean it's quick and easy to make since I am so hungry." Olivia said as her stomach growled. Then her and Angel laughed and talked as they walked to her dorm. Then when they got to her dorm room they set up everything and put stuff in the fridge and on the counter. It really seemed like home to her. Next she started to boil the water as Angel settled himself on the couch.
"Hey Olivia when its heating come sit here with me." Angel said as he patted a spot on the couch to indicate where he wanted her to sit.
"Ok!" Olivia said happily as she waited a few then when the water bubbled from boiling she put the spagetti in and went to go sit by Angel. He put his arm around her as they watched the tv. They talked and laughed for a few then the spagetti was done. Olivia prepared the spagetti to perfection as it seemed to Angel. Then when they were both done eating they said their goodbyes and Angel went home. When he was gone Olivia put on her pj's and went to sleep with dreams on how her next date might turn out.

The Life of Vampire Olivia {chp:7}

Well now it was about 7:54 sharp on the dot! Olivia was very nervous. She made finishing touches to her make-up and she was ready to go! She wore beautiful aquamarine dress that sparkled all over. She also wore a pretty blackish-blue purse with little pockets on the side of it. Now she was ready to go on the date of her life. She started down the stairs until she got to the door to see that Angel was there, waiting on her.
"Well hello there princess." Angel started as he walked twords Olivia. He had on a black tuxido with a cute black tie. "I see your looking as wonderful as ever." Olivia was stuck in awe as his charming words flew to her ears as sweetly.
"Why thank you Angel, your too kind." Olivia did a little giggle. Now she started to walk twords the handsome Angel. When Olivia was an inch from him, he opened the huge dorm doors open with one hand and put his other hand out for Olivia to grab. When she grabbed his hand and walked outside to the empty darkness, it was a beautiful sight. "Oh wow Angel! I never thought that the darkness could be this beautiful! Oh and its a full moon! Oh and Angel where is the place your taking me?"
"You will see besides we are almost there." Angel answered as he tugged and tugged Olivia away.
Then a few agonizing moments later there was a sign that said: The Black Rose. It was a nice little place with roses painted all over the outside. "Well here we are Olivia, ya like? I heard that it was a high class place."
"Oh wow Angel it's wonderful! But what type of food do they serve here? I mean..." Olivia said but she wasn't able to finish that one sentence. She was scared of the outcome of the reply from Angel.
"Well this is a Italion restraunt amazingly. I mean who would've thought an Italion restraunt would be here in a Vampire Univesity? Also what else were you going to say?" Angel said and asked.
"Oh ummm it's nothing lets just enjoy ourselves. Ok?" Olivia said. She was scared. What if she asked the one question that would split them up?
After that one pausing moment Angel and Olivia walked in. A waiter greeted them and then they proceded. But then Olivia looked around and saw that noone was there. "Angel why are there no people here?" Olivia asked.
"Well see I rented this out for tonight so that way it'll be just me and you." Angel answered so nicely.
All Olivia could do is blush. "Oh thats so nice Angel!" Olivia exclaimed as they walked to their table. The waiter then put the menu on the table but Olivia didn't care much about eating, she cared more about her date with Angel.
"So ummm Olivia are you going to order anything?" Angel asked patiently although Olivia was too busy looking into his eyes that she really didn't listen. "Uh Olivia ya there?" he shook her a little then she was listening again.
"Huh oh ummm...," Olivia looked through the menu really quickbecause she had so many things on her mind that she wanted to say so she didn't really order anything "Oh no i'm fine really. Ok ummm the first thing I was gonna ask is-" Then the worst happened. A loud voice comming from the speakers outside turned on. It had this message to say: ATTENTION ALL STUDENTS.I HOPE YOU ALL AREN'T DOING ANYTHING IMPORTANT BECAUSE IT'S 8:30 SO EVERYONE LIGHTS OUT!!! ANYONE WHO ISN'T IN THEIR DORM BY 9:15 YOU WILL BE EITHER EXPELLED OR GIVEN A DETENTION OR LET OFF WITH A WARNING. YOU WILL GET ONE OF THEESE PUNISHMENTS DEPENDING ON HOW FAR AWAY YOU ARE FROM YOUR DORM. THANK YOU STUDENTS GOODNIGHT.Olivia was sad, she wasn't able to even ask a simple question. Why? Why me? Has someone cursed a horrible fate upon me? What bad have I done?I've never done anything bad, I always try not to. Those were the type of thoughts that rampaged her mind. That's all she could think. She knew that she didn't wanna be expelled so she must end this quickly and polietely. "I am so sorry Angel but we must hurry back to our dorms. I'd hate to be rude if I am but we must go because I don't wanna lose you to being expelled." Olivia said roughly. It hurted her to say this.
"Ha. You expect me to be afraid of being expelled? And you actually thought I loved you? Ha! You were just a mere pawn princess. You don't realize the powers you have. But we wouldn't want you to unlease them now wouldn't we?" Angel said darkly. Olivia was scared. What had happened to the sweet innocent Angel she just started to know. Thats the new thought she was thinking. But she knew that she couldn't let him take control of her. Also a sudden change came to his eyes, they were two different colors. His left eye was still hazel but the right one, it wasn't hazel, it was a scary color of pitch black.
"Look Angel! Even if I was a mere pawn in your game of chess, I would care less about that! I just want to get out of here before something bad happens! Will you listen! Look if you want to stay here fine then but I am going to my dorm where it's safe." Olivia exclaimed. But Angel's rage of terror wasn't over just yet.
"You won't escape! You will stay, you would because you love me huh? HA! I still can't believe you believe that stuff anymore." Angel said. Then Olivia started to run out. "You won't escape! You won't!" And with that Angel said a spell under his voice and there was darkness everywhere. The darkness held Olivia back as she struggled.
"OK that's it. I may not have any clue of how to activate my powers but my mother taught me a teleportation spell that'll get me out of here." Olivia said with confidence.
"Go ahead and try it princess," Angel started as he walked up twords her to stare her in the face, the only time when she had to stare death in the face "I bet it won't work anyways."
"I am sure it will!" Olivia shouted and then she muttered a spell then she was suddenly taken to her dorm safe and sound. Then once she was there she remebered that her mom packed some stuff for her so she searched her stuff and there was an earth spell book. She grabbed it and flipped it's delicate pages. "Protection spell, Protection spell, Protection spell...Oh here's one! I hope it works." And she muttered another spell and then on her door and windows there was a flower at the front of them both. Even though it looks like an innocent little flower it was her protection. "As slick as a fox. Thanks mom." Olivia said happily. There was no time to write in her journal sadly because there was still the risk of being seen. So she hurriedly went to sleep, awaiting this nightmare to end.

The Life of Vampire Olivia {chp:6}

.:From the Diary of Olivia:.

WOW!!!! This is amazing!!!! I know Artemis said that this place is magical but I didn't think the guys were also!!! Well I know the guys aren't but it's just a miracle that I got a boyfriend!!! And he's so charming! Plus I have a date with him at 8:00 pm at the Black Rose. Sounds gothic but he is so charming I just can't object! I think this is going to be a great relastionship.
Speaking on other terms, the classes I chose should be fun! But then the classes I have total each day won't be fun...I just hope this is worth everything I have been through so far cause I became a vampire and I thought I might die when I blacked out. Luckily I am alive! It's pretty amazing I mean everyone who was there would've been celebrating in a different way if I was dead, a funeral. I can't call it a celebration because it wouldn't make since I mean what are you celebrating? And we can't call it a party cause parties are fun, what should we call it? Since there is no other name, funeral was the name.
Oh and school starts two days from now. I guess so we can have enough time to explore so I wonder if I can take a longer date with Angel? And if I told my mom what would she say? Would she freak out or be very happy for me? Maybe I should keep it secret a while. Oh! It's 7:30! I can't write anymore or else i'll be late!

The Life of Vampire Olivia {chp:5}

Olivia and the other soon-to-be Vamps University students walked back onto the bus. Olivia was about to sit alone again, until a girl with red eyes walked up to her when she sat down.
"Is anyone sittin here," the girl said with a bright face "Because I saw how you were alone during the first half of the trip so I wanted to be really kind!"
Olivia tried to put on a nice face as she said "Oh sadly noone is sitting here so you can sit here if you would like to. I mean it would be nice to talk to someone while this long trip is going on."
"Great! Oh by the way my name is Artemis! My eyes are of the fire element! I was so excited when my father told me that my eyes were fire! Now he expresses how I have his eyes," Artemis said hyperly "Oh! Excuse my rudeness! What's your name may I ask and whats your elemental eyes?"
"Well my name is Olivia and I have the eyes of the Earth element." Olivia said elegantly knowing that this conversation actually wasn't messing up.
"Oh wow Earth! And Olivia's a nice name! Well I know we will be friends for quite some time! And when we chose our dorms we won't be in the same dorm..." Artemis said sadly.
"Huh why is that? Why can't we be in the same dorm I mean we get to chose our dorms correct?" Olivia said very puzzeled.
"Yes Olivia we do chose the dorms but here's the downfall. My older sister went to this university so I know everything about it, and you see...The dorms are divided by element so really we will only see each other either between classes or in the same class depending on what we choose. We also see each other during lunch all the time so theres a good thing I found in that statement." Artemis explained.
Ofcourse! Olivia thought.The six castles on the brochure! Those must be the elemental dorms! But she could only think of five elements-Fire, water, earth, air, light- so what could be sixth be? Since Artemis knows all the details maybe she shall ask her. "Ummm Artemis, I have another question about the University and a specific person."
Artemis looked at Olivia in a funny way and then she answered with "Yes, what will the questions be? I am totally ok with answering questions!" she giggled "Plus this helps us find more out about each other!"
"Well the first question is well, when you said that the dorms were divided by elements I thought about the brochure I saw about it and I could only think of five elements not six. Well although when I saw the brochure I am positive that it had six castles on the picture and even though everything else about that flashback is a blur I am just sure I saw six castles. So the question is: What's the last castle for?" Olivia sorta gasped for breath as she finished the first question.
Artemis giggled again, "Well the last dorm is for the classes and the luching and the well everything else!"
Now Olivia was really confused, "So your saying that all of that stuff can fit in a little castle?"
"NO silly! Ya see everything and anything that goes into that castle is magical so all we have to do is go into another dimension and we have unlimited space for class! But that's for magical performances only because classes like math or english don't require things like that." Artemis answered. At this point Olivia was confused and wondering if Artemis really doesn't mind if she asks so many questions I mean if it were Olivia answering twenty thousand questions for Artemis she would be agitated.
"Oh ok I get it now! And now for the last question I guess," Olivia took a deep breath before asking the question "Ok now you see tha guy over there with the Hazel eyes? What's his name?"
"Oh him? That's Angel. He's a real cutie! And don't lie I know you like him!" Artemis answered.
"Oh wow Angel. His eyes are so beautiful. I really wanna talk to him but I don't know if he has like a girlfriend or something like that." Olivia said as she stared at him in awe. Then the greatest thing happened, Angel looked at Olivia and waved to her as to say hi! Then he even blew a kiss to her! She was amazed! She couldn't believe that he did those things just at that moment!!!
"See he likes you and he has no current girlfriend. It's pretty amazing if you ask me cause with a face like that, your sure to think that he is taken!" Artemis said with joy, but then she put on a serious face,
"And Olivia don't forget to talk to him before he is taken because if he is and that person isn't you, your future will be driven by sadness and sorrow. I only know this because my other special talent is seeing the future. Just don't ask me how I got this talent."
"I don't knowwhy but since you are my friend I trust you the whole way,through every sentence and word you just said, I still trust you." Olivia said.
After a few more agonizing minutes of impatience,she saw the exact picture from thebrochure appear right before her eyes. After getting one more look she realized that she was at Vamps University! This is where her new life would start and hopefully where in that time she could find a love good for her.
"Ok now everyone as you may see we are at the university. Please exit the bus and stay calm, without pushing. Then as you exit pick up a brochure that magically adjusts to your element to tell you your instructions. Thank you for listening." The overhead speaker said from the bus.
This was the moment Olivia waited for, the moment to talk to Angel.
She picked up her brochure and then walked straight to Angel, "Hello. My name is Olivia, I suspect you are Angel?" Olivia said polietly.
"Yes correct and you, are, really, cute." Angel said as he grabbed Olivia's chin trying to be charming.
At this point Olivia was so madley in love with him she had to ask the one question to determin it all. "Will you go out with me!!!!" Oliviaasked as she was red all over her face.
"I was hoping you would ask that because there was noone else I would say yes to except you. It pained me to say no to so many ladies but you were the one." Angel said apparently accepting Oliviva's request. "Since we are going out now I would like to go out on a date with you at the Black Rose. I heard it's a nice restuarant from many other friends. I'll pick you up from your dorm at 8:00pm."
"Cool! See you there! Oh and thank you for accepting me because I thought I was gonna be rejected." Olivia said happily.
"Well your welcome. See ya." Angel responded.
After that little event she looked at her brochure, it was adjusted to her elemental eyes, earth. It had a map and alot of easy-to-read pictures so she figured she wouldn't get lost. She made her way to her dorm. There was a person there giving out papers. It seemed as if it was the paper for the extra carriculum classes. When she walked up closer to the person it was for the classes.
"Please take this paper Madam. It is for your extra classes. Also you must choose two of these." The person said.
She looked trough the activites. There were way more than the brochure. Now the picking started. She first thought of the choices of Elemental bow and arrow and Elemental defence but in the end that's exactly what it turned into.
Then she walked up to her dorm and looked into it. It was wonderful! It was everything she imagined! But she was ready for that date. As she got ready she just had to record this event into her Diary! And thats exactly what she did.

The Life of Vamprie Olivia {chp:4}

.:From the Diary of Olivia:.

Now I have just boarded the bus onto Vamps University. I am very nervous though but I know I must go. I really do sorta feel stupid now though because I didn't have enough time to tell my mother about the brochure and the classes I wanna take. Maybe it was destiny that I forgot to, maybe it was faith. Even so I feel very shameful about it but most things we must leave in the past.
Since I am outside in a bus I decided to write about the things I see. But the things I saw wereeasy to explain. But I saw alot of beautiful, tallmountains reaching to the sky. Then on the way we made a stop at a restaruant so everyone could eat a bit before continuing on the road. But then I saw something that put me in awe as I ate, it was a cute boy.
The boy had beautiful light blue eyes and a really nice setup. He was just for me. I knew that I couldn't speak to him now but maybe when I got to the University. Also he was alone, at his table eating, just like me! Most of the kids were eating with their friends or new friends while I hadn't meet anyone new and appearently he hadn't either. Maybe, just maybe, I should go sit with him to keep him comfort? No! Then people will suspect you and if he already has a girlfriend that would be trouble. I must keep my distance like a lion but strike when the time was right. But then I thought, when would the time be right? I might never talk to him and then I will lose my chance! But then again...I shouldn't barge into his life like that. I might just talk to him when we get to Vamps University. It seems like a perfect idea but maybe it isn't. I should probably think over this a tad bit longer. Oh! We are about to board the bus again! Since I have wrote alot I will remind myself to write again once I get settle at Vamps University!

The Life of Vampire Olivia {chp:3}

The morning was up and the sun shined through the window. It was a nice morning with birds singing and the wind blowing it's cool cool blow. Olivia was just now waking up, the birds woke her up.
"Ahhhh! That was a nice sleep! I should try writing in my Diary all the time since I am immortal I should keep up with my life." Olivia said as she got out of her nice soft bed, "Also i'll go wash my face right now."
Olivia walked straight to the bathroom and washed her face she looked at herself in the mirror, something had changed. Her eyes were no longer brown but they were a beautiful green, shining, glittering, in the light of the bathroom. "My eyes are...green! It's strange but I wonder why. Maybe i'll find out at Vamps University! If they don't offer to tell me i'll be sure to ask them cause I have to know!" Olivia said to herself as she walked out of the bathroom and into the kitchen. When she got to the kitchen she smelled something nice, it was her mothers cooking.
"Goodmorning Olivia!" Beautrice said with a sparkle in her eyes, "So! I see you got your elemental eyes! It's the good thing bout vampires cause we get to choose our eye element."
"Huh? At this moment I have no clue what you are talkin bout. Wait do you mean my eyes? As in they are a special element?" Olivia asked in a very puzzled voice.
"Hmmm. I want you to figure this out yourself so I will ask you this: When you see the color green what element do you think of?" Beautrice asked hoping that Olivia would understand what she meant.
"Well when I see green I mainly think of the element...EARTH!" Olivia said in a louder voice as she noticed that she was understanding everything.
"Ok correct! OK next question is: Did you hear any voices while you were sleeping last night?" Beautrice asked again knowing that she has understood everything so far so good.
"Well strangly yes i did. It sounded like, a lady. Yes a lady!!! And, and, she had asked me what my favorite element was and I just had to respond earth. Now that I understand what my elemental eyes are I think I am one step ahead of maybe the first lesson of Vamps University!" Olivia said with happiness.
"And speaking of Vamps University you should pack your bags!" Beautrice said with quickness.
"OMG your so right! I will be right back." Olivia said and then she ran straight to her room and packed her bags, took a shower, and put on her new clothes and got to the bus to Vamps University. "Oh and mom before I get on this bus, I have to tell you that I am gonna miss you, alot."
"Oh, Olivia, I will miss you too, very much." Beautrice said sadly. And with that Olivia wlked up into the bus on her way to Vamps University.

The Life of Vampire Olivia {chp:2}

.:From the Diary of Olivia:.

Well I am still alive and breathing(good thing). Mom says I will be starting at this school called "Vamps University". The name is sorta cool but it's a vampire only school so i should be able to get along with everybody pretty well. While I was asleep I got so nervous of school that I couldn't sleep (ha! that's why I am writing in this at like 4:00 am) so I got up and went to the kitchen quietly. Then I looked on the table and there was a brochure of Vamps University! I went over and looked at the brochure and there was a picture of what seemed like six beautiful castles all a different color! I really couldn't figure out what it meant or what they were for. Then when I opened the brochure it said: All students must chose 2 classes for each day including their regular classes. These classes to chose from include the elemental training, hunting, survival challenge, sports, or magic training.
Theese classes sound really good but since I have to chose two of them I would chose elemental training and magic training no matter what my mom says! Even though she may tell me otherwise I still must take the classes I am ok with. I kept reading on the brochure and I came across a little headline that said:
Everything a fellow Vamps University student must have with an on them
-Appropriate clothing which includes anything worn in a respectable fashion
-A backpack to any kind or color they chose
-A luggage with their clothes in
-And money or a credit card for food
*They do recieve money for credits and/or gettin jobs

This school was sounding better and better by the second! That's all i got to read though before I heard footsteps and ran to my room to write what I am now writing.

The Life of Vampire Olivia {chp:1}

A beautiful night with the red moon outside full and shining. Olivia was taking a walk when she saw a group of people, no they wern't people. They were vampires.
To Olivia it was normal because in their vampire tradition when a human born into a human family turns sixteen their parents turn their child into a vampire. She was scared, nervous, and terrified of what could come of her. But even so she was ready. She knew that even so by following tradition she could risk dieing by poision in the teeth of the vampire and they might not even know it. But still she trusted her parents to not have poision.
"And now we are ready to start the ceremony!" said Beautrice, Olivia's mother, "But more importantly are you ready Olivia?"

"Yes mother. It doesn't matter what happens, i will still be here with you, i promise i won't die." Olivia said and she touched her mother so much that a tear fell from Beautrice's eye, down her cheek.
"Ok then, we shall start the ceremony!" Beautrice said. And with that her two sharp fangs reached into Olivia's neck piercing her. So far so good her mother said in her head. Then without notice Olivia losses consciousness. Her mother doesn't notice so she keeps sucking her blood, then, she notices.
"Olivia!!!! Olivia stay with me!!!!" her mother yelled as she released her fangs from her neck.
"Huh huh what?" Olivia said as she came back to life, as so to say.
"You are ok right? Cause you really gave me a fright." Beautrice said nervously.
"Yes yes i am fine just ummm continue." Olivia said but then she put her hand around her neck and looked at her hand. "Ha, it's blood. Wait a second are you done with the ceremony already???"
"Yup! All done! Well Olivia welcome to the Vampire community. You will learn the basics tomorrow in well Vamps University." Beautrice said reassuring her.
"Oh ok. I guess it'll be fun and I might find a cute guy hehe." Olivia said with a chuckle.
"Well let it be whatever you would like as your reason but anyway you have it you will be learning the ins and outs of being a vampire." Beautrice said.
"Fine fine mother." Olivia said with a whine as she walked to her room and into her bed.

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