Pricing Because You Asked :. |
First, Samples:

And now, prices:
Fullbody (asked at the pricing forum, and many said they'd pay anywhere from 60 to 100k for one of those babies. wink ) So that means I'm going to charge:
75k for a fullbody, 30k for a flob (that's usually just a bust.) and 20k for a chibi
I'll draw your OC for an extra 10k. I won't draw porn. I like drawing sexy ladies/cute avis.
Groups are terrible for me, usually. That's more of a bribe thing. Bribes for me are 200k+ (yeah, that's a hefty price. but that's to keep you from ordering groups. lol. )
All of which are in full color, unless requested otherwise. .
And now, Rules ( Now in shiny new Paragraph form! Oh, reading, boo. ) :
I don't like doing couples, but I will, for double the fullbody. And I can size them up to 800px. If you want something obnoxiously HUGE, I'll be reluctant.
Also, you'll have to understand I'm going through a lot in real life right now, so it'll probably take a few days to a week to get your art, IF AT ALL. so you'll have to PM me your order, I'll hold in in my inbox to keep you in mind, and if I can't do it after a week I'll PM you.
But just to make sure, DO NOT SEND ME A TRADE UNTIL YOU GET YOUR ART. I know it's risky, but I'm trusting that you'll pay for my hard work. If not, I'll report your a** with screenshots of our deal. =)
PLEASE BE AWARE THAT I MAY OMIT ITEMS THAT CAUSE THE ART TO BE COMPROMISED, or if I find them ugly, unless they are IMPERATIVE to your character.
If you get too snippy with me, I'll cancel. Gold doesn't mean that much to me. I went to art school, I can take a bit of criticism, but if you're gonna be a little b***h to me, forget you, and don't bother ordering again.
And the posing is usually up to me, unless you specify. Normally, I'm a pretty good judge of posing, like if I see your avatar is some kind of badass, I will use a villainous pose. I'll also draw your male avatar as a male with a male type pose, unless you specify otherwise.
Last note:
The more work you want, the longer it might take. I'll still update you on my progress after a week's grace time.
Le Pomme · Fri Sep 25, 2009 @ 06:29am · 0 Comments |