I don't get this extra text field directly above where I'm typing... must be tags.
Anyways, our ******** University is trying to raise tuition by 40-60%..... They had a 'question' period where we (students) got to ask questions related to the tuition increase and they responded... Only, they just didn't answer our questions and avoided any topics we opened to them.
Lol, I'm too tired to make a good rant.
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Ranting RAH RAH RAH!
Really I'll just put something in here if I'm in a mood to vent or share something. It really isn't intended to have people respond or read to that often. Usually it's just me talking out loud.
[b:ba923c3fa8]I like almost never come on gaia. I have to be really bored and not able to play computer games. Sometimes I come on for a spurt of a few times a week, but then stay off for months.[/b:ba923c3fa8][/size:ba923c3fa8]