I am pissed, I am afraid, What lion am I? What lion fears, His own rage? What mane, Have I the right, To own?
What use, Be my claws? What use, Be my fangs? What use, Be my hunting mind? What use, Be my knowledge of my prey?
Who in the right, State of their minds, Fears hurting his prey, And ending their lives?
I want to destroy, Not create! I want to obliterate, Not manipulate! I want to topple, Not steady!
I want to feel, My prey's blood! I want to squeeze, My prey's still throbbing heart. I want to watch the life, Fade from their eyes. I want to see them understand, Who they so despised.
I don't like this feeling, The urge to destroy, To cause discord, To obliterate all around me.
I hate it, I hate this feeling, But I love it, I'd hate to see it leave.
But it must go, I've trapped it in a prison, Made of my venomous words.
Iburnaga · Thu Aug 17, 2006 @ 05:36am · 1 Comments |
Mizrahi's six kingdoms are ignored for the most part. The Kings have representatives from villages that make sure the people are heard because if they aren't that king is goung to either see his body shredded or throw out of the country by the very people he tried to serve.
More important than the kingdoms are the three Orders and the several hundred suborders. The three major orders are Novatian, Cosmic and Noble. The people of Mirahi normally chose one of the three and consider it a political party along with a light culture. Most Mizrahians are Novatian since the Novatian way is to live peacefully untill that peace is disrupted by discord. Peace is to be restored and kept in the quickest and longest lasting way possible.
Cosmics are rather on the rare side. They are astronimers mostly and spend nearly all their time looking at the sky. Steriotypically they have a far off look and some go so far as to trap their sight in a distant sight. Their eyes will always reflect and see the stars beyond hte sky even if they're inside. It makes them visually blind to the real world so few actually do this. Many will just live near the Elduke mountains where a massive array of telescopes are available.
Nobles are more often than not, formerly rich foreigners. I say formerly because Mizrahian's could care less about money. It's nearly useless to them. I'll explain more about their economy, or lack there of, later. They are always wishing that the people would put more value in thei currency or at least let them handle all the gold that the people find useless. They are mostly ignored.
Iburnaga · Thu Aug 17, 2006 @ 02:03am · 0 Comments |
Oh bugger that other story it makes no sense at all without back story on the whole of Mizrahi, which is still changing.
I suppose I could start from the beginning but that would be confusing since the middle is the beginning. So I'll just explain what Mizrahi is like now.
Mizrahi is a furry country so if you don't know what that is you'll be confused and probably think I'm perverted.
Mizrahi is a massive nation consisting of six kingdoms and those kingdoms are united under an empire. Mizrahi relies havily on magic so much of it is actually in another world which Mizrahians call the underground and the main grounds of their country are home to many many tribes of aborigionals. The six kingdoms are essentially one empire since the kings bow to the empress with question but they still bow. Ther kingdoms are the Green, The Prye, The Muse, The Sky, The Thunder and The None.
The Kings ally with other kings and these alliences rarely change. The traditional alliences are The Greens with The Pyres and The None and then The Sky with The Thunder and The Muse. The Sky and the Greens are normally just rivals of one another but sometimes it escelates to war and that is when the Empress steps in. Each kingdom has it's own military with their own specialties and the empress has her own military big enough to take the kings three by three.
The people often ignore the kings and follow the empress, they call themselves Mizrahians firsts, people second and citizens of a kingdom least of all.
[God it's late. I'll do more later. Night all.]
Iburnaga · Sat Aug 12, 2006 @ 10:36am · 0 Comments |
Three Scholars (Juust to see if I can Yank it all at once.) |
The three scholars sat at an intricately carved table, nothing there to obscure it's partterns showing the stars and clouds of the Cosmic, the trees and leaves of the Novatian and the birds and coin of the Nobility. The scholar representing the Cosmic order wore a dark brown, hooded, cloak, obscuring his face but most could be sure he was wearing that far off look that all Cosmics wear. The Noble's scholar was a quite plump man somewhere around his fifties. He wore the blue robes as befit a noble scholar but he was looking a bit too plump even for robes. He was blad and sweating even though the air was cool in the small meeting room. The last scholar, the scholar for the Novatian was a woman just into her twwenties. She wore a green vest with soft leather pants and doe skin mochasins. She wears a rather annoyed expression as if she has someplace much better to be.
The Novatian scholar(Illaan shall we say?) slaped her hand on the table. "Alright let's get this over and done with, the last little discussion lasted all day and I'm sure as hell not having it this time." Her voice was calm for someone who appeared to be so annoyed. The Comic scholar lowered his hood, he was in his thirties and his eyes did indeed have the classical far off look.(He is Zorrok) "Fine fine, such paitence you have it's no wonder you're a scholar. what were you before a saint?" The Noble scholar spoke up, his voice sounding mousy compaired to the calm tones of his peers. "Now now no need to fight. We're here to discuss the new Bronze records right?"
Illaan shot Zorrok a searing glare before snapping her fingers, three copies of a rather small book appearing. "The seekers think this might be a record from the last emperors of the Bronze. We are to look over them and see if they give any insight to the disappearance of the Bronze or at least give us clues about their where abouts."
[Oh my look at the time I must really get going. If only I didn't get the urge to write so late in the night. Oh well I'll continue this some other time. Perhaps filling in back story on the Bronze and who they actually were and what the Mizrahians think their ancestors were.]
Iburnaga · Mon Aug 07, 2006 @ 10:19am · 0 Comments |
I don't know why but in Mizrahi things end up revolving around trinities. There are three orders, six kings that ally with one other, three true rulers. Even in the Mizrahian religion there are three gods. Perhaps it is a mental set with me or just a touch of OCD about my little creation but either way some consistency with structure must be a good thing right?
I was thinking of discussing the old Bronze between three scholars, one from each order of course. All three of them looking over the surviving texts of Bronzian scholars and speculating on the reason the Bronze had disappeared, only seen in the blood of any Mizrahian, native or not.
Iburnaga · Mon Aug 07, 2006 @ 10:01am · 0 Comments |
Is time an infinite object which we, as finite objects, are travelling across or is time a wave and we are finite objects on an infinite object which the wave known as time is passing through?
Iburnaga · Thu Jul 06, 2006 @ 08:43pm · 0 Comments |
Throw your inhibitions to the wind, your clothes on the floor, and your body to me!
Iburnaga · Fri Feb 17, 2006 @ 02:27am · 0 Comments |
The Corruption of a Holiday. |
It seems that Valintine's Day has become very very commercialized. As if you have to buy a gold ring with a silver chainmail shirt to match to show someone they are worth something to you. Some people go so far as to pitch a b***h when ever they don't get something, like a material possession expresses love. If your love can be summed up in a physical possession then you may as well not love.
Iburnaga · Wed Feb 15, 2006 @ 04:23am · 1 Comments |
So his mohter gives him a flute and teaches him a song to play when ever he needs her or needs to talk to her.
He has a dream in which he looses his flute and his mother and in order to get the both of them back he must find his voice.
So he goes on a journy to find his flute first, thinking that the flute is his voice and along the way his stuffed toys become manifested as warriors along with a few warriors he'd never seen before.
Upon finding his flute he climbs to the top of his house and plays his song as loud as he can, when he hears nothing he yells and wakes up.
When he looks around his room he finds the sword he was carrying in his dream and all his stuffed toys dressed in warrior's clothes and he finds toys he'd only seen in the dream dressed the same way. He then did something he'd only done in his dream, he called for his mommy.
Iburnaga · Thu Jan 19, 2006 @ 03:46am · 0 Comments |