please post your winning category and your choice of art/monetary/items, w/ref's/links/descriptions. I may or may not follow that and just draw accordingly :'DD (esp for best medium choice awards)
keep in mind, no hentai/anthro/mech/fuglyavatars. kthanx >3
shinigami_light - sept o4
Porcelain Hearts - 15k
Kasumichan - 100k
Paquito - july o5 and 100k
J4xx - jan + feb o4
jenn-chan 50k
ueno - july o5
cuddle core - july o5
pineapple222 - july o5
himlayan - july o5
moo-moo-chan - july o5
alice chan - july o5
The Reignbeaux Arsenal - 30k
helina - lines link
paquito - watercolor / art
desna - chibi link
euphony - full rendered pencilled mia
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