Donations In

As a form of kindness, respect, and as a way to keep everything in order, I have set up a list of the amount of donations I have received and the donators that were kind enough to help me. I have two lists, one is the previous list I had that did not keep track of the items and gold given to me but I have decided to make a second list showing the things given to me from each Gaian, that way I give more credit to the people. Here it is:
heart Old List heart
Donations: 871
List of Donators: xXyunieXx, Qq NEKO qQ, Zack loves Cloud, iiR a w r- i luz u, xXChrome AngelXx, lil neko girl 101, The Livin Dead Girl Kyo, morgan_317, NobodyLovesRaymondz, xxfalloutdepploverxx, Mecury Fire, Tigergirl54, Dark Kittey, ~Chiby-Chib~, Metal Crowbat700, ms giggles alot, pockypanda89, tote nacht, Takuya Yokaidon, Firelight27, Machi0Hanamori, Hannahlsd, polo the one, Torch Red, 22shippo22, deathsand emo, Neko Jul, Love-vs-Hate, ii_smexi_lele, Intoxicated.lov3r, Celestial Wolfen, ExpiredGumdrops, b1rdieboo, t3kniculDificultiz, Final Chronicle. `Cid, --Ladie--X--, x P i k a c h u, Dina-Mis, EvilVampire, Luny101, TuttieFruittie94, Tapanyo, f a b a r i c, Happy Little Mess, BlazedxFire, Loki the Kitty, Roobledooble, xMeggyFace, ashchan3, angelbaskets, Emo Villain Guy, Niko_fallenangel, Xox WeRe WoLf GiiRl xoX, AlyKitt_RyukaI, iShineee, Demon Brittany, Xo_One Love Dream_Ox, Happiest_Dark_Neko, Severina-chan, Ashchan3, CoolMoonGoddess3, camotiger44, -my-forgotten-rose-, jswats, lilsweetiepie, Bl00dxB4th, Aiko Maxwell, Ciel_Phantomhive_Master, MetalBroski, iceskittykat, The Kiwi_S P i R i T, The Perfect Measure, II 3m0 II, AlyKitt_RyukaI, ChronoxSergexCross, xx_Broken_xx_Illusions_xx, lovelykitsunegirl, Emailycat, Chihiro_Guy
heart New List heart
Trade Requests: 8
Donators and they're Donations:
AlyKitt_RyukaI - green ink and orange ink heart
The_Livin_Dead_Girl_Kyo - 330 tokens, 19 flowers, 3 trash, 2 yellow ink, 4 green ink, 1 brown ink, 2 red ink, black ink, gold ink and 24 bugs heart
The Unperfect Angel - 10 blue ink, 2 brown ink, 2 yellow ink, 2 orange ink, 2 gold ink, 1 black ink, 1 pink ink and 1 green ink heart
Fae Evernot - 44 bugs:hearts:
mamakittykat - 49 Bugs, 83 flowers and 12 trash heart

Donations Out

I am putting up the donations I have made to others. I will give you the name of the person, the amount of gold/item I gave and the proof of each trade. I don't expect to be given anything back because that would not be considered a donation. Here is the list of people I have donated to:
II Loltia_Chan II - seeing stone
lo-ollie-ta - oversized carrot, sharktooth wings and newsprint stars
luigi-siapno - Total Drama action brief case
dbdarkseeker - Lidless Demon Armor (Boots), Lidless Demon Armor (Chest), Lidless Demon Armor (Helm)
DollPrince - Skittles crazy core hare, Skittles crazy core necklace (melon berry), Skittles crazy core contacts