Random Philosophical/Religious Rant x.x |
Random journal entry last week turned into this. XD I'm considering using it for an essay in my Writing and Home School portfolio. lol
We humans are greedy creatures. Our use of our minds and dominance over the beasts of the lands have spoiled us; we're egotistic brats. We constantly want or long for what's out of our grasp, even if it's not necessary for our survival. We can't just take what's available to us and be happy with that, no, we must have more. We can't just have a place to live and be happy with that. We constantly want a bigger, better, cleaner, nicer, prettier house. Food We can't just be happy we can get food period. We have to be picky. We have to want a certain thing a certain way. Money - None of us want enough to get by and live. We always want more to spend on things like upgrading from a 48" flat screen LCD TV to a 52"; just cause it's a little but better. We always want the best - and even when we have the best, we still want more. Relationships are no different. People always want the person they can't have. Even if we have someone waiting in the shadows, willing and ready to be our everything, we want that one person who could only possibly be our everything to be it. Why do we though? Is it because they present a challenge and we think ourselves too vain to settle for what we already have? Or are we too prideful to back down from that challenge? Too greedy to admit that we have what we need. We're not only greedy, prideful, and vain; we're gluttons, too, in our greed, pride, and vanity. We hunger for what we need to sustain our lives, and even after we have it, and out hunger's assuaged, we keep trying to force more down by following through with our greed. And our lust is our worst greed and hunger at that, too. We keep trying to get more, just because.
It's thing like this that make me question religion - not God, no, I believe in Him. Some cosmic power had to create this Hell called Earth and us filth called humans. And he created in Sin, I think. Because think about it - Adam and Ever are claimed to have been perfect, right? But if Eve was perfect, then she wouldn't have been so greedy as to want more than what was given to her already. Because she was that greedy was the whole reason she bit the fruit - the greed was there before she even "Sinned." So, that shows that she couldn't have possibly been as perfect and faithful as Christianity and the Bible claim her to be. She disobeyed because her faith wavered. Sure Satan played at it, but he only pulled at what was already there - broken faith. Therefore, we were all created broken and sinful even before what was claimed to be the first "Sin." And if Adam and Ever were the first humans and they only had two sons, Cain and Abel, then how were we reproduced into this over populated race that we are, if not for incest, which the Bible says is wrong (which, in my opinion, it is wrong, but still-)? It's never explained; the Bible doesn't hold all the answers. Far from it; it constantly raises questions. Not to say it isn't a good book; quite the contrary, it's the exact kind of moral guideline people need. But that's all it is - a moral guideline.
God's not a bad person, but he's not exactly the Saint the Bible's portrayed him to be, either, I think. Because He didn't create us so "perfectly," as it says he did. In my opinion, at least. When He created, it was in Sin; we were not hesitant to second guess his authority and disobey Hid word. The way I see it, either the author of the Bible exaggerated and we weren't created in God's perfection; or they flat out lied and God's not perfect, and us being created in His image resulted in that upon us as well. Now, considering I do believe in God and His power, I'm willing to give him the benefit of the doubt and say that He is perfect, we were just never created as so. Supposedly, God is the author of all creation, but has never created anything imperfect or made mistakes. But, if he created Satan and Sin and He looks down on it with disdain, then how is that possible? I say the Bible, and Christianity, is a result of extremists taking their religion and faith too far; God is perfect, but everything He makes isn't; the Bible's a guideline; and we were doomed from the start.
Now, Christians say that if you're not saved, then you won't find peace after Death. They include people of other religions in this - Buddhists, monks. The exact kind of people who make it their entire Lives to cut themselves off from these temptations so they're not consumed by their own sinfulness as well as society's. Personally, I think them better people for that. They aren't so vain, either, as to say their way is the ONLY way, as society's extremist Christians do; they simply disagree. After all, opinions are free-willed. And if God is an all-knowing God and already knows what going to happen to all of us in our Lives, then what's the point of giving us "free-will"? Because if He knows what's going to happen, then our 'choices' just play right into his plan, don't they? Therefore, making free-will an illusion, lying to us. which is a Sin, isn't it? Or is it the fact that everything's already set in stone an illusion? Who's to know. None of us could possibly know how it is for sure - hell, for all we know, this entire Life if a dreamworld, a Wonderland, and when we 'die' is when we wake up and realise we're Alice again and head off to our lesson.*
*Note: This reference of ideology, that Life is a dream and we'll wake up when we die, is an idea told to me by a friend who wished to remain Anonymous when he told me of his idea. Credit goes to him for it, it's not my theory. All else up until that point is all my thoughts, though.
Alice Rahne · Sun Feb 14, 2010 @ 11:41am · 0 Comments |