Wow, someone actually came up with a good idea for donation letters this month. I LOVE the kitty plushie. Unfortunately, mine haven't come in my profile....even though i donated 20$...and I don't have the paypal receipt anymore. s**t. Hopefully they'll be nice about it and such. God, I am WAY too busy for anything. I have no money until tomorrow when the ******** SECU stops holding onto my check and I can actually PAY for my rent and some other thigns. Like gas. And food. it wouldn't be so sucky if I I had gotten paid last week. but no. I get paid THIS friday. Which, on oen hand is kinda nice b/c that means I'll get a large amount of money all at once. yay and rah. but it won't be there for long. I still have to pay rent, buy my dress for Lori's wedding, get said dress altered so it'lkl fit right, buy SHOES to go with the dress, get new glasses, mine are fuxored, buy groceries, buy cat litter for the rescue, pay off my vet bill, get new khakis for work that DON'T have holes in them, and pay my cable bill. gee, that'll only cost me an arm and BOTH my legs.... well hopefully this year I'll have luck at AZ. I'm actually gonna SELL some art this year so peeps can get their hands on a nice hand-done pic. 've already done one and I'm working on a second one. Been wathing too much Digimon lately, so drawing a lot of that, but I'm glad of that too b/c i really need to branch out and try drawing different things in different styles. I love my own style, but I need to make sure I work in different styles and mediums so that I don't get so locked into my own style that I then CAN'T do anything else. anyway, got a Chobits coloured pencil work finished, and working on a pen/acrylic pic of Flamedramon from Digimon season 2 (cuz he rocks.) Gatomon is actually my fav. digimon, but I got really attached to the pic that I did of her, so I'm keeping that one, though I might display it just for the hell of it. She'll be in another one that I plan to do with Gomamon and Patamon.
Usoyami Zeal · Mon Apr 04, 2005 @ 03:27pm · 0 Comments |
God, some idiots on Gaia pis e off!!! In the last 2 days I have had not one, but 2 people PM me to beg for items. I mean, come on. That's just horrible form. You NEVER bother somene through PM about that. The first guy, asked if I would sell him a set of fox ears, but let him make payments on them. Come on. They cost like 2500 gold. If you can't afford THAT, then I'm nto gonna give you anything. The other guy actually had the audacity to ask for "one of your cat ears". First off, how does he know I HAVE cat ears? I haven't worn them in over a week. Not to mention, what makes him think that I have more then one set? I was fairly nice to the first guy, but the second, I snapped at and told him I wasn't going to do anything of the sort and that he should stop bothering people for charity over PM.
Usoyami Zeal · Mon Feb 14, 2005 @ 12:16pm · 0 Comments |
Currently working on linework for a V-day pic for Guardia RPG. I will probably post the pic up in EF Studios as well, b/c it is SOO cute. It features Zetlos and Iliana from the RPG, and ties into some of the recent storyline of the RPG.
Usoyami Zeal · Mon Feb 14, 2005 @ 12:06am · 0 Comments |
Wow, I have a journal now. Joy. Leap with glee, clap hands, etc. OK, since this one is going to be mostly rants and updates, I really dont' have much to put in it right now. I just finished the top 2 commissions on the list, Noraboo and Kira Kitasaki. That means I have those two hellishly complex pics that Chaos wants clogging my artistic flow. ::sigh::. Actually, I LOVE the ideas that he's got for them, they just aren't coming out of the pencil, so I may have to skip over them and do some other linework to sortof "get in the mood". But that's OK, he's always really cool about that stuff. I mean, it took me months to do that bump pic and look how nice ti came out.
Usoyami Zeal · Sun Feb 13, 2005 @ 06:15am · 0 Comments |