ok i know this may sound strange, but last night or like 7/9/09 when I had Math Class a Chipmonk was in our class and we could not get rid of it. some how my school was making updates to the school and some how a chipmonk managed to get in to the building and have not left since three days ago - thats what I been told. now not only there is one confirmed chipmonk but there is at least two more chipmonks running around in the College. it was funny at first, before I saw it, but its still funny, cause half or most of my class still does not know about the chipmonk, and are going to think I am Crazy, but its true, we even put out peanut butter to lure it to catch it to release it back to the nature where it belongs and not in the College. I still think its still crazy that a Chipmonk is running around in the college.