
Name: Mab Gender: Female Age: 12 years old. Hair: A side ponytail, brown, straight and square. Eyes: Light grayish brown. Hometown: Fallarbor Town. Hobbies: Watch pokémon contests, walk in the ash and find stuff (that's why she's always wearing cap and boots), fish at the lake. Hughest ambition: Move around as elegantly as the parasol ladies. Personality: Daydreaming, hiperactive, girly, can't understand the grown up's stuff.
A bit of story: Living in a town surrounded by ash and with pokémon contests as the only entertaining activity she grow up as a very girly girl and showed an early interest for cute things and contests. Which made her parents happy, thinking that one day she would be famous and would get out of the town. Unfortanetly, she seems to have a thing for the most unappealable and/or dangerous pokémon, making it hard to win a contest... but making a powerful battle team instead. And still, she can't understand why people call her pokémon ugly. She starts a journey as a pokémon trainer after the whole town convinced her to do so... but still try contests sometimes (they never end good). When she left the town everyone celebrated it. Her idols are the parasol ladies, because they can move elegantly and be beautiful even in the ash (or at least she thinks so), so she practices everyday with her spinda umbrella.
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 Gastly - Precious: Mab used to have a female spinda called "Precious", one day Precious died and Mab buried her in the pokémon cementery, then she found this gastly. She still thinks it is her deceased spinda. (Likes to play tricks)
 Zangoose - Zwifken: On her 10th birthday her parents decided that the best gift would be a pokémon, so they gave her a pokéball and sent her to the route 114 to catch a cute swablu, seedot or something like that. She came back with this zangoose instead, and nobody knows how they became good friends, or why Mab choosed that odd nickname. (Likes to play cool, don't mess with him)
 Gyarados - Mr. Worthless: The first pokémon she caught with a rod, it was a dumb magikarp before. Her dad gave him the nickname "worthless" and Mab thought it was a cute name. When the magikarp evolved he won the title "Mr." (Is violent and angry all the time)
 Skarmory - Skarmory, bird, bird on my roof, the bird that was on my roof: This female skarmory made her nest on Mab's roof, so it counts as her pokémon right? It isn't very friendly... Caughts it later with a little help from her gyarados. (Tends to bite)
 Swalot - Chubby: It was a cute gulpin before, Mab found it when she went to Slateport for vacations but it evolved and now smells a lot. Also it tries to swallow other people's pokémons so it stays in his pokéball all the time. (It isn't very helpful)
 Absol - Melissa: Actually "Melissa" is male. He appeared before an earthquake. This absol is always wearing at least five girly accesories. He hates is life, he only stays with Mab because her zangoose forces him to do so. (Is always depressed)
Pet-Shop 24 · Wed Aug 11, 2010 @ 12:12am · 0 Comments |