What's my story, you may be asking thine selves? Well, pop a squat down next to ol' Wiz, and he'll tell you. It was around the time of the fall of the Evil Enchantress Morgan la Faye that I realized I was interested in men.
For you see, I was lending a hand to Merlin, surely you know who he is, to train a young king.
Arthur was his name. So supple, so manly.... ahem. Pardon me. Anywhoo.
Merlin and I began to grow closer, as the weeks went by.
I was sure he was trying to catch my eye. A little slip of the robe here, a flash of ankle, a twinkle in his grey eyes. Irresistible. Well, One day, I had enough of it. I had to express my love to Merly<3
As we were ridding the cauldrons of dried toads intestines, our lips met. His eyes widened, his beard trembled, his hat shook with.. horror!
alas, he did not feel the same. He pushed me off, and took off, muttering and cursing, red as a tomato. And that my children, is how I realized how sweet a bushy white bearded kiss could be. I've never looked back since.
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