The Not-So Daily Sufferings |
A place to rant, chant and otherwise expose the life of the Bondage Bunny. Keep in mind, even my life isn't that exciting... |
Geney Lazulite
Community Member
Posted: Mon Jan 01, 2007 @ 06:34pm
Oh, the Horror!!
Yes, it's that bad... I, Geney, have finally got off my a** to get my Learners Licence.
I'm nearly 22, so I suppose I would be better off getting it sooner than later... But deep in my soul I wish not to use it... I'll be putting far too many lives at risk if I'm on the road. twisted
School starts tomorrow, and I'm biting my nails. I want to make a good, if not perfect impression of myself, and am even going out of my way to get a new backpack. My current one is black and dirty and has anime pins all over, and the Mountain Equipment Co-op insignia is blotted out with a sharpy to read "Mount Me". This is definitly not how I want to portray myself... despite how it really screams ME on the inside. crying
The weather has been crappy out recently. Muggy, chilly, and Grey. If only it wasn't muggy or chilly. We're getting alot of snow too, but I still pray for the poor buggers in Denver. No one deserves that kind of snow. gonk
I've been budgetting my money aswell, making sure that I have enough for Sushi at least 5 nights a week. The best Sushibar in town is 2 blocks from school... which shall be my downfall, but Hell could not bar my way from Sushi... I wonder if Hell serves Sushi... neutral
I've got to pick up a calendar and agenda, though. I may be a freak, but at least I want to be on time. Nothing like being a late Freak... that sort of attention is unwanted. confused
I'm even planning my wardrobe. My WARDROBE people!!! This isn't me at all... I'm turning into some prep... or worse... a... N-normal person! eek burning_eyes No. I wont let it happen. I haven't spent my entire life making my world harder for myself, just to turn around and claim "normalcy" on my soul. I'll put a stop to that right this instant--- *Puts on her most Goth outfit and makeup, cranks Nightwish and drinks a glass of red wine* ..... Well, I guess it's better than being Emo. ninja
Posted: Fri Dec 29, 2006 @ 02:18am
The End is Near!
And so starts the countdown of my last days of freedom.
School starts next tuesday, and although I'm excited for it, I fear my spare time will be stripped away from me.
I've spent a little bit of money on some new pens, and I hope they're going to serve me well in the coming year. I also set up a Deviant Art account, but so far have no art posted. I need a scanner and tablet, let alone the programs to do so. Here's hoping the school may help me with that... rolleyes
At least I get a USB key, it's better than CD/DVD-Rs, and it's small. Thank you advanced technology. mrgreen I'm working on my art skills, and hope to be prepared for the upcoming year. There's nothing like being ahead of the game before it's even commenced, so no harm done. sweatdrop
Being an artist and all, I'm quite, er... lets say "disorganized", and cleaned my entire house this week, giving me a fresh start. I also set up my PS2 since my computer has a conflict with my video card and sound card, and my DVD's tend to skip... thus I set up my reliable PS2 on my pretty TV.
On the topic of DVD's, I am excited to say that I got a fistfull of Anime's this X-mas! Box Sets of Neon Genisis Evangelion, Witch Hunter Robin, Inu Yasha season 1&2, Saiyuki season 1&2, and a couple episodes of Elfen Lied and Trinity Blood were all wrapped up for me under the tree! So far I've only watched half of Season 1 of Inu Yasha (and dont give me that "Eew, you like that anime?" Crap, because yes, I do like it. Consider the other anime's I have. Now, reconsider who I am. I'm not some tweeny little cute girl who likes dog-eared demons. I'm in it for the blood and violence, so shove it and cry, foo.)... I'll be cracking open my Trinity Blood before the weekend, and cant wait. It looks awesome. twisted
Anyways, dinner's done, and I'm hungry. burning_eyes
Geney Lazulite
Community Member
Geney Lazulite
Community Member
Posted: Fri Dec 22, 2006 @ 07:39am
gonk Damn I dislike X-mas.... Hate's too strong a word, X-mas doesn't deserve it. scream
It deserves worse. Thank goodness the thought of my school strating in January keeps me sane. Soon, I'll be able to make websites like Lava Punch and the like, with my whack art, once I get a decent scanner... or tablet... damn, I need more money... cheese_whine
Be that as it may, I need my fix of MMORPGs, so despite my leaving WoW, which is really for the better, I picked up PSU: Phantasy Star Unlimited for the PC. Shamelessly beating the bloody pulp out of harmless monsters in the endless pursuit of attaining the next level really takes the stress right outta the pores, you should try it! twisted
My family really needs to learn to conceal presents rather than mold the paper around the literal shape... I know what I'm getting, and it's a pisser. At least It's what I asked for, but still, strips the fun out of it when you know. stare
My internal clock is off. I have a terrible habit of sleeping in till 10 A.M. and not going to bet till 3 A.M... Thats got to change, but I dont wanna. gonk I like the nightlife, I like to boogie! dramallama
Guess thats my ranting. got to force myself to sleep... I'll just try to meditate, that always seems to work... (I'll never attain enlightenment) eek
Posted: Mon Dec 18, 2006 @ 07:18am
Long time, no type?
So it is nearing the end of the known year, the mid of the last month, and a mild one at that.
I've made it to Kelowna, and my eyes have been opened to a world I never knew.
First and foremost, it has been quoted that Kelowna is "...A home for Newlyweds and Nearly Deads." And yes, it seems so. There's jack out here for work, hell they've even closed down the biggest town Lumbermill due to that Beetle epidemic, and not to mention I live in the a** crack of nowhere, 10 miles from the nearest mainstreet... It's not as bad as long as my internet works. rolleyes
Be that as it may, I indeed was accepted to school, which was a no brainer, not that I'm gloating lol but I was worried. Emilly Carr, the best art school in Canada, shot me down pretty fast, but that school seemed to be full of people with spinal issues, holding thier heads so high, and had very deep pockets in which to live in the same damn town, which both I lack. School starts in only a couple weeks, and I'm going out of my mind I'm so excited! domokun
Lastly, I've been making amends with my fathers' side of the family. Apparently there was some discretion as to my view of them as a child, and it is slowly being tended to.
I've also relenquished my subscription to World of Cocain--Erm, I mean Warcraft. Instead, I've taken up making lots of jewelry and playing the guitar. My fingers sting even as I type, I've been working so hard at it. sweatdrop
All in all, Life seems to be treating me well. Nothing serious, heh, I've even gone full vegetarian and lost 5 pounds! xd So cheers to all them happy people out there. Let us pray for the less fortunate this season, and damn well have a Festive Yule... not of this commercialized X-mas crap... Santa is Coke's babeh!!! pirate
Geney Lazulite
Community Member
Geney Lazulite
Community Member
Posted: Fri Aug 25, 2006 @ 04:19pm
Making a Name for Myself.
So it seems I've become quite the occult specialist since I left 'the Coven'. In my free time, I have learned to cleanse and consecrate everyday things, I know more about the metaphysical properties of stones and gems than ever before, and my mothers' workmates look forward to my coming to visit her as I often bring my Tarot to read to her (and others, if need be).
All in all, I'm starting to wonder if I will miss Calgary when I move.
Thank the gods, My father called me up yesterday and succumbed to the sweetness that is Gen, and agreed to let me keep my cat at the new house. If I'm leaving my entire family behind to live with someone I hardly know who claims to be my dad (Think "Cats and the Cradle" wink The least he can do is allow me to bring my bloody cat, ne?
Besides the crappy week, I have some good news! After quiting my job, I've been offered an office job that pays well over 12 $/h (which is a 50% raise) doing diddly squat. Thats a bonus, aswell as finding a sweet deal on Anime at Amazon.ca (is shamelessly advertising now...). I'm also feeling better regarding my application to Art School, as so far, my talents are proving more than sufficient.
So for now, I bid you Adieu, as I must head down to mum's work and deal the cards for a workmate. I'll talk at ya later, and hope my day gets better!
Posted: Thu Aug 24, 2006 @ 05:22am
So today I had done the most abnormal thing I have done in ages: I quit my job. Now, I didn't just quit, I wrote a letter of resignation and handed it in with the most ginger look I could muster for such a sweet girl... Be that as it may, it feels so odd to know I wont be working tomorrow. (Reasons for my resignation will be left unsaid, since I still hold respect for the employer).
Also, aside from that, my week was real sh!tty. First a 'friend' I was trying to avoid called me up and told me some terrible news, then had the bullocks to ask me why I left the coven... THAT pissed me right off...
But the good news after that was that a long time sweetheart (At least I love him, not sure if the love is returned) ran into me the other day, and I hadn't seen him for about 6 months! Turns out he works in the same mall I do...
Then, it hit me... I quit my job, I wont be seeing him there! The week just gets worse... Oh, and my dad decides that taking my Cat out to B.C. isnt such a good idea. Well, what the hell does he expect me to do?! It's my beloved cat! I'm not going to leave her behind and say "Well, guess you cant come with me Schnookums" (name has been changed, no duh). Yeah... getting worse by the minute.
At least I know I have a beautiful Moldavite Tektite coming my way over Ebay! (Is a big jewelry maker). I hope it doesnt take too long to get here...
Geney Lazulite
Community Member
Geney Lazulite
Community Member
Posted: Tue Aug 15, 2006 @ 08:14am
Well, I've returned home from a wonderful vacation, only to realize that I dont want to be here.
No, I'm not depressed, it's the fact that I'm tired of my Hometown, sick of my house, frustrated with my job and in need of a change. Thank the Gods I'm moving to B.C.
Otherwise, I discovered that my father isn't giving me the entire basement suite (which was a livingroom, bathroom, kitchen and two rooms) as he's using the main living room as an entertainment system... There goes my freakin privacy.
Not that (being a single, cute and videogame oriented girl) I'll be wanking off in my room any chance I get, but I was expecting to be able to live alone... and have whomever over I wish. Now that that wish is genuinely flushed, I'll have no more space than what I have here currently in my single room appartment... Fartknockers.
Be that as it may, the basic human yearning for companionship is tugging deeply at my soul, and I'm looking forward to making new friends at college. Hopefully the lucky bugger I set my target upon might even find this journal and they'll know just what 'trouble' they'll be getting in to. *Wink wink*
Alrighty folks, early morn is raising upon me and I must depart for much needed rest. I'll report back with whatever rantings you may take interest in. Ja.
Posted: Thu Jul 27, 2006 @ 06:18pm
A Vacation at last!
Indeed, Gens' mind is on the verge of implosion. I've been working for money (yes, Real Cash, not Craisins as so many believe) for College and now am joyously leaving my ergonomically incorrect computer chair for the great outdoors... San Fransisco Baby!
Ahem, indeed, I will be visiting my grandmother (the one who is a practicing witch with nothing better to do than teach me the tricks of the trade) and have a bloody well Ho-down! I'm in my right mind when I say I'm trying to convince her to get our noses pierced at the same time, but a little more persuasion is in order.
I will be returning from my favorite transsexual city on the 13th of August, only to be shipped out to Kelowna B.C. for School. With all the cr@p in my possession, it'll take me a fair sized U-Haul... Damn Manga...
So for all my pals and buddies that I've lost contact with, but still stalk me online, I'm hitting the road...Jack... and may be back within 4 years. I'll keep in contact through Gaia if you so desire, but my roots are being unceremoniously torn up and tossed into the wonderful world of Mushroom farming, forest fires, and old people tending vineyards... At least I get a cozy basement suite!
Geney Lazulite
Community Member