The Fourth of July...
A brilliant time for all of us...Well.....Most of us.
Most people on this colorful and bright weekend will go on road trips to seek family on the other parts of the state/country. If not that, they go to see fireworks shot by the city they live in/near.
But that's MOST people.
The other .01% of people who don't enjoy these festivities, look outside and wish they were shooting bottle rockets, while seeing the events happen. At least they can SEE it happen.
The .000001% group is the group that I'm in this year. The group where you look outside and see nothing but state police trooping the landscape ready to arrest anyone who holds a firecracker in their hands. The group where any family you have to go to can't have you because either they're injured, or they just can't drive the hour+ distance to have you. The group where you just sit there typing stories because there's really nothing else to do.
My Life Belongs To Music · Sat Jul 04, 2009 @ 02:14am · 0 Comments |