(Details on creation as promised in the arena)
Ok so long story, bear with me please. i got bored at work for while, on break y'know. so the pencil was done in several 15 minute intervals, i think it took me about 2 or 3 days, so thats roughly hour and a half to 2 and a quater in pencil, ink took about 20 mins and happened several months later, then just a couple days after ink, i photshoped the heck out of it, took i guess... 2-3 hours, i really aught to refine my methods.. And this is the final product! not my best work, and i cheated with style masks, but i thought this looked great.
The Pic

This Char, if she had a name, i suppose shes most relevant to an OC of mine, Kina.
Now for a small challenge, In each of the 3 phases of drawing this, i put my sig in it. Mind you they all look photoshoped now, since i wasnt gunna leave em ugly. See if you can find all 3, 2 are my real name, 1 is my gaia name. rest assured however, this isnt very hard. First person to comment with the location of all 3 at once get 1k!
Now if you havnt voted for this in the arena, what are you waiting for!? 5 me! xD