RP1 - Forest
Evanesced: *Walks around the forest picking flowers* xXRitsuka BelovedXx: -gets up and goes to Evanesced- xXRitsuka BelovedXx: Hello* Evanesced: Who are you? xXRitsuka BelovedXx: Me? Im....well do u mean my name? Evanesced: *Nods* xXRitsuka BelovedXx: Luka. xXRitsuka BelovedXx: You.? Evanesced: I'm Lacey... xXRitsuka BelovedXx: What a lovely name. Evanesced: Thank you. xXRitsuka BelovedXx: Your welcome. Evanesced: *Smiles and continues picking flowers* dragon1112: *grabs u again* dragon1112: ur not going any where Birdwing13: *leaps suddenly, claws outstretched and claws dragons hand* Birdwing13: *yowling* ((Birdwing is an evil demon cat thing)) xXRitsuka BelovedXx: -ears twitch to the noise- xXRitsuka BelovedXx: -takes out my bow an arrow- Evanesced: ...? xXRitsuka BelovedXx: ill be back dearie xXRitsuka BelovedXx: -darts off- Evanesced: *Nods* Okay.. xXRitsuka BelovedXx: -shoots arrow at bridwind and it hits her back xXRitsuka BelovedXx: -puts my foot on her- stay down Evanesced: *Walks over to where everyone else is and watches from behind a tree* Birdwing13: *hisses, she turns cat demon, standing up straight* Birdwing13: *glares at ritsuka * xXRitsuka BelovedXx: -kicks her stomach- Birdwing13: *gets kicked, but keeps balance* xXRitsuka BelovedXx: -takes arrow out of her and heals it- Birdwing13: *eyes cold as she flashes luka a look and charges away on all fours turning back into a cat* Birdwing13: *running fastly and quietly through the under growth* xXRitsuka BelovedXx: -watches her run- Birdwing13: *taying low to the ground, she looks for a tall tree* xXRitsuka BelovedXx: -takes out some meat and begins to cook it the smells floating about- Birdwing13: *smells the cooking meat and snorts in disgust* Evanesced: *Sees the cat in the tree and smiles* Evanesced: Come here kitty. Birdwing13: *hissing slightly* Evanesced: *Back away* Birdwing13: *she digs her claws into the tree* Evanesced: Nevermind... Birdwing13: *she was not used to people, and since luka shot her with arrow, she wasnt trusting them* xXRitsuka BelovedXx: -a small fox trots over to Evenesced and paws at her- Evanesced: Hm? Evanesced: *Looks at the fox* Birdwing13: *she smells fox and growls softly* xXRitsuka BelovedXx: (o know im the fox) Birdwing13: *jumping from the tree, she padded off quickly* xXRitsuka BelovedXx: -nuzzles her- Evanesced: *Bends down and pets the fox gently* xXRitsuka BelovedXx: -licks her hand- Evanesced: *Smiles* Birdwing13: *walking along a small path she found, she trots around a thing of boulders, looking up, she lept up on one and glanced around, seeing dragon* xXRitsuka BelovedXx: -whimpers and trots off after birdwing- Birdwing13: *leaping over to the place he is at, she purrs* Evanesced: ...? *Follows the fox*
[The person rping as the fox kind of left after that and nothing else really happened]
Evanesced · Fri Oct 19, 2007 @ 11:26pm · 0 Comments |