i have a deep thought every day... its the truth.
Rainbow Related Explosion
Community Member
Posted: Sat Feb 26, 2005 @ 03:14pm
former quotes in signiture
<center> well, every once-in-a-while i change my quotes in my signiture, so i decided to post old quotes in my journal, so the memory will live onLadyAkira17 <center> you pimped my signiture!Chibilady <center> surprised teh twinkie goddess!LadyAiko19 <center> all my tottz are belonging to barrelmonkeh <3
Posted: Sun Feb 20, 2005 @ 03:07am
a little about me:
Name = emily Tattoos = 0 Piecings = 2...in the earz? I?m not allowed to get more ?till I?m 16 Height= 5ft 2 ? inch Shoe size = 6 in women?s and 4 in men?s Hair color = dark brown with red-ish streaks Siblings = 1 younger brother
Movie you rented? = the prince and me >.< Movie you last bought? = dodgeball CD you bought/burned? = bright eyes (digital ash in a digital urn/I?m wide awake, its morning Song you listened to? = ?hit the switch? by bright eyes Thing you bought? = my bright eyes c.d. >.<
You have a crush on some? = of course?.i have a crush on all guys with sweet hair and chuck tailors <3 You wish you could live somewhere else? = uh, duh! You think about suicide? = yes, but I?m not going to do it Others find you attractive? = not sure, I guess? You want more piercings? = yushyushyush You like cleaning = nevar! You write cursive or print = a mix between both
For or Against:
Long distance relati.= eh, it doesn?t bug me, I?d just rather have a bf I can see often? Suicide = against Killing people = against Teenage smoking = against Driving drunk = against Gay/lesbian relati. = they?re in love, why should it matter what sex you are? Soap operas = Omg, last week Juanita cheated on Juan with Juanette? totally against
Have You:
Ever cried over a girl/guy? = many times Ever lied to someone? = Yes Ever been in a fist fight? = yes, in kindergarten?. I tend to stay away from all that Ever been arrested = no, but I should be
Shampoo do you use? = whatever?s on sale Shoes do you wear? = chucks?. With crazy shoe laces What are you scared of? = not being loved, heights, mean teachers, thunder storms, and padded walls
Of hearts I have broken? ? I don?t know Of people I could trust with my life? = 2, if I?m lucky Of times my name has appeared in the news? = I dunno?. Of scars on my body? = um?. Lots?. From stuff? Of things in my past that I regret?= wow, I regret a lot of stuff?
Do you think you are:
Pretty? = I guess so Funny? = I have my moments Hot? = if you say so Friendly? = yes Loveable? = of course! ^^ ?.love me, now! Caring? = yes Dorky? =no, I?m NORKY!
4 letter word = ********... love...or perhaps damn? +shrug+ Actor/Actress = I don?t think I have one?. Color(s) = black, white, pink, purple?
Person who last:
Slept in your bed? = my dog >.< Saw you cry? = Eileen, I think Yelled at you? = me mum Sent you an email? = www.hottopic.com
Have you ever:
Said "I love you"?= Yes Kept a secret from anyone? = Yes Cried during a movie? = yes Planned your week based on the TV Guide? = yes Wished you were the opposite sex? = once, but then I changed my mind What time is it now? = 9:59 pm Apples or bananas? = bananas wink Blue or red? = red Walmart or Target? = target Spring or Fall? = spring What are you gonna do after you finish this? = take a shower
The Last:
Noise you heard? = me typing Smell you sniffed? = pizza Time you went out of state? = November Friendship/Love: d. all of the above
Do you believe in love at first sight = sometimes, depends on what mood I?m in Do you want children one day & if so, how many? Eh, still not sure? Most important thing to you in a friendship is? = honesty and loyalty
Other Info:
Do you speak any other languages? = pig latin! Last book you read? = kare kano volume 3 Who do you love? = wow, I would say, but that?d freak not just him out, but me. Initials? = erc How old do you look? = fourteen, fifteen on good days How old do you act? = like a not-quite-so-average sixteen-year-old Pets? = 2 dogs and a little brother What makes you happy? = twinkies
Have You Ever:
Thought you were going to die? = yes Wanted to Run away? = yes Flunked a grade? = no Ran away? = yup Skipped a grade? = no Moved? = yes Attempted to commit suicide? =yes Thought about it? = yes Gotten drunk? = no Been in jail? = no Contacted the police? = yes Been in love? = I think so? if that was love Been in lust? = perhaps maybe Smoked? = nope Stolen Anything? = yes Cheated On A Test? =yes Been In The Hospital? = yes Let a friend cry on your shoulder? = yes Fell asleep in the bath? = yes Gone to Church? = yes Never slept during the night? = yes Been to camp? = yes Gone a week w/out shaving = yes. Once. I was sick. Didn't wash your hair for a week? = no Been in a earthquake? = no Been in a tornado? = yes Knew you were in love? = no Streaked in the streets? = nope?. My neighborhood is to inhabited Been Skinny-dipping? = nope Screamed at someone for no reason? = yes Been in a fight? = yes Been hurt by someone you loved? = many times Been attacked? = yes
Rainbow Related Explosion
Community Member