About Me
- •The name's Emerald. Most people call me by my middle name, Emiri, or by my nickname, Eme.
•I'm a teenager, and I could act like one if the mood permits it. ;D
•I'm a straight A student, but I have no street smarts whatsoever. I'm extremely mixed, and I have Spanish, Jamaican, and Japanese heritage. I can speak Japanese and somewhat French. Oui oui ^^
•I like the passionate and elaborate things in life. Using my imagination is my first passion, and using a pen and paper to express it is my second. I'm not sure about what I want my main profession to be after I graduate high school, but it has to involve my imagination; that's a given.
•I like reading. A lot. I'm currently (still) trying to dissect the Haruhi light novel series; it's so intricate and confusing. I love it. :3
•Yes, I'm an anime/manga lover. I watch too many anime for my own good. Name a series; I've seen it already. I adore shoujo-ai, and I'm reading one of the most adorable yuri stories at the moment. Yun Kouga is my favorite artist; her style of drawing entices me. I also watch J-Dramas. :3
Some of my favorites are:
- Pokemon
Lucky Star
Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei
Girl Friends
I have the rest listed on my Interests; check them out.
•Tales of Symphonia. Yes. I heart Zelos Wilder with a passion, and Lloyd comes in a close second. I support Zelos x Lloyd, by the way. I'm pretty sure that it's my OTP.
•I listen to any and every genre of music. Alternative? Yes. Instrumentals and original soundtracks? Count me in. Indie? Uh huh. I have so much favorite bands and solo artists. My current obsession is OneRepublic. Their sophomore album is amazing. <3
•I'm sexing the LD, one thrust at a time.
•... Oh, and I love random comments. You can never have to many people to talk to. <3