"Are you sure?"
"How many?"
Rogue rolled her eyes, and continued to walk, Logan falling into step beside her. "How in the sam hell should I know?" She sighed, turning to face him and walking backwards for a few paces. "You know how Cyke and the professor sent me on that reconnaissance mission? The one about that weird factory up in the Rockies?"
Logan nodded.
"Well," She continued "It turns out it was abandoned. Just when I was about to give up and go home, thing in me pulled me to stay..."
"Mutie sense?"Logan offered by means of a joke. Rogue rolled her eyes and continued:
"Well, I wandered through the whole thing, it was like a giant complex. After a bit of searchin' I came across this room behind all the others. A secret passage way. And there were all these papers inside."
"But I thought you said it was abandoned."
"It was. But I guess that whoever had left didn't have time to clear the place out."
"Or they wanted you to find them..." Logan's voice trailed off, and a brief silence spread between the two as they continued walking. Distantly, Logan noted that they seemed to be taking the long way to the professor's office, and wondered if Rogue had gotten lost. But, realizing that this worked to his advantage as he was then able to pump her for information, he kept silent.
"Which ever. I started to look through them, and found all these blue prints. I couldn't make much sense of them for a while, but then slowly the pieces started to come together. They were sentinels, Logan. Someone was building sentinels there, and we didn't know."
Now struggling to keep her break neck pace, Logan turned a corner so swiftly he nearly clothes lined a young student. Nodding his apology, he caught up to the brunette. "Shouldn't you be going to Cyke then?"
Rogue laughed gently. "No offense to Cyclops, Logan." She began approaching the large mahogany doors in front of her "But I think I need to take this one to the big boys." Grabbing both handles, she pushed them open, entering the office.
Nodding her understanding at what he was getting at, Eve sighed, scooting just a bit closer to him. "I'm not used to this whole... patience thing." She murmured "I've gotten used to being able to get what I want when I want it..." Briefly pausing, she brought her blue eyes up to his. "But... I guess I can learn." She placed her hand lightly ontop of his "Somethings are worth waiting for, right?"
[Ooc: 1. Way to steal Team Gambit's quote.
1.5 You should play Prof. X]
"Come, let me take you from the Garden of Eden."