Title: Princess Maebh NicCaoilainn of Blood and Dark Flame, Lady of Bounty & Unyielding Beast
Age: Twenty-three
Birthdate November 1
Race: Unseelie Aos Sí/Sidhe [“shee”]
xxxxxxxx✦Sidhe - The royalty of the fey, the Sidhe are divided into the Seelie and Unseelie courts. Usually marked with triple irises and bright glowing skin. Sidhe literally means "people of the (fairy) hills". It is the Gaelic name for the fairies in both Ireland and the Highlands of Scotland. Pure blooded sidhe are believed to be immortal.
xxxxxxxx✦Phouka - A type of fey that can change shape from a horse to a dog to a human or any mix of the above. They love drama, mischief, and making distractions. In their original form they look like a mortal.
xxxxxxxx✦Cu Sìth/Sidhe - "Fairy Dog", "The Black Dog"; the Cu Sith or Cu Sidhe (faerie hound), is a large and fearsome dog with supernatural powers. They are usually black but may also be green (the colour favoured by faeries) or even white with one red ear and one red eye. They are always large sometimes described as being as big as a calf or small horse. The Cu Sidhe roam the land performing certain tasks for their faerie masters such as helping in the hunt, they are completely silent in the hunt but sometimes they would give three blood curdling howls that could be heard over a great distance.
Gender: Female
xxxxHands of Power - An innate magic of the sidhe fey, hands of power often activate on their own, or sometimes due to coming into a new power level. They vary from one sidhe to another, often seem to have a connection to the individual's disposition.
xxxxxxxx✦Hand of Blood - Calls blood out of the body through any open wound.
xxxxxxxx✦Hand of Dark Flame - Fatal even to Sidhe because it will proliferate and consume the victim.
xxxx✦Glamour - Magic that can change a fey's appearance for the eyes of humans. Only few sidhe can work glamour on other sidhe. This is considered an insult to do so without permission.
xxxx✦Call of the Hunt - Transformation into a beastly creature. Very rarely used.
Origin: The last great fey war was two thousand years ago, not long in the immortal life of sidhe. Both courts would come to the call of war: all of the sidhe and lesser fey shed blood. The Unseelie Court had contracted the assistance of many races, including The Sluaugh, Nightfliers, Phoukas and their own hounds, the Cu Sith, against the marches of Goblins. The sidhe did earn their victory, but through the course of the war there were many crimes against their laws of purity. Soon, there were hybrids of many races; Sidhe and Nightflier, Goblin and Sluaugh, and in the rush of instinct, Phouka and Cu Sith. The resulting offspring were shunned by the Seelie Sidhe, those who enforced the laws of purity. The Unseelie, however could not turn away from the possibilities of their mixed bloods, and welcomed all. The 'litters' of Phouka/Cu Sith mutts were all different; green, black, white, red and yellow furs, attributes of man and beast intermingled in various ways. Some were strong and beautiful, others were nightmarish in their appearance. One in particular was a monster, and The Unseelie Queen's favorite pet.
The Queen, Andais, called the beast "Connall". He was tall, lithe, long limbs with strong muscles that were obviously meant for man. However, his muzzle was outstretched and lined with razored fangs, his digits were curled and clawed, his entire body was concealed under a thick veil of black fur with a tail longer than the length of his body and wolf ears larger than his clawed hands. Hunched and feral with a snarling voice, few dared to anger the queen for fear of Connall. No one dared touch him for hundreds of years.
Except the Queen's Lady-in-waiting, Caoilainn. A dark, twisted, pureblooded and royal woman who shared The Queen's sadistic views and yearned for so long to tame the Beastman. In the years that followed after the war, the sidhe race's fertility had dropped to dangerous levels with no explanations as to why. Both Seelie and Unseelie sidhe feared for their race. Laws came into play that any couple that should bear child would become married under oath, but few foresaw the child that eventually tore through Caoilainn; a child born with sidhe blood. Her birth killed her royal mother and in her mourning and rage, The Queen killed Connall without much thought.
But the baby girl, her eyes had three rings of color, her skin was pale and shone like the moonlight as she cried for her mother. She was a sidhe. The Queen named her Megami, in favor of the Goddess who they thought long abandoned their race. No one in the Unseelie Court would come to know of the child's birth, however. In her dark insanity, The Queen threw the baby in a bag and left in the harsh snows that covered the Unseelie Sithen, sure that her mixed blood would make her mortal enough to die.
Only by the Grace of The Goddess and The Consort was the baby found by mortal humans. At age four, she was discovered and returned by the Queen's brother, Essus, who trained her for combat until he died when Megami was twelve. At age sixteen, she left by her own devices.
Weapon of Choice:
xxxxxxxx✦Whip, “Aednat" [“ey + nit”] translation: Little Fire
xxxxxxxx✦Bow and Ivory Arrows, “Blathnaid" [“blaw + nid”] translation: Flower Blossom
xxxxKey Terms
xxxxxxxx✦Seelie Court - Also called "the Bringers of Beauty and Wishes" whose power descends from their King or Queen. The Seelie Court is ruled by King Taranis. It is the court of light.
A rigid court of very beautiful, graceful and ethereal creatures. The seelie sidhe are a dying breed. They cast out those who have deformities and refuse to acknowledge the unseelie. Few seelie sidhe remain, because of their emphasis on purity.
More solitary than their deformed kin the seelie are made up of mostly sailors, nobles, bards, and other such professions. Unlike the Court of Shadows, the Court of Light lives by the rigid codes of conduct set forth by their King and his advisors.
The members of the Seelie race follow the codes of conduct with fanaticism. Those who break the older codes are often executed.
xxxxxxxx✦Unseelie Court - Also known as the lesser court or the dark court ruled by Andais, Queen of Air and Darkness. They take in all those turned away from the Seelie court.
A motley assortment of beautiful, hideous, monstrous and ethereal creatures the unseelie sidhe are mostly comprised of those who were either cast from the seelie courts or half breed sidhe.
A solitary race comprised mostly of warriors, thieves, spies and assassins. Unlike the Seelie Court, the Court of Shadows lives by the whim of its Queen. It is said to anger the queen of the Unseelie is to unleash the wrath of the Sluaugh, her personal army considered to be the most vile, dangerous, and cruel beings alive.
The members of the Unseelie race have taken the chaotic sometimes insane stance of their queen to heart, allowing it to affect even the smallest things they do.
xxxxLaws and Customs
xxxxxxxx✦One's word is one's bond
Once a fae has given their word, they are honour-bound to keep it. An oath-breaker may be punished by death. However, careful wording of oaths can allow 'loopholes', so one should take care when asking for promises from the fae.
xxxxxxxx✦Acknowledge Beauty
It is considered rude, or bad form, to ignore the beauty of another fey. While this may seem like outright flirting to those around them, this is a simple matter of etiquette.
xxxxxxxx✦Glamour is Free
Glamour was the magick of the Daoine Sidhe. Both the Seelie and Unseelie possessed its power. However, the two Courts had differing opinions over its use. The Unseelie believed that to have power and not to use it was near to sin. They used their power for whatever they saw fit.
It is considered rude, or bad form, to verbalize your thanks towards a sidhe.