So as everyone knows how my items have been comming up missing right? Well I found out whose been doing it and how he has been doing it. He has been gifting items to random people. I found out through a pm from someone who said thanks for the free gift. So now I know how and all this other crap I have changed my password and email, but it comes at a time too late. My once over 100 items invitory is down to 27 and most of it are flowers and bugs. I will be putting up a list up here of the items missing as I slowly start questing back. Please help if you can in any way. I am desperate now and will accept anything. Thank you for reaing and for being my friend.
So far what I have recorded. Golden laurels Nitemare headband Angelic Bracelets Yellow JacksAssh Purple Pimpin hat Coco Kitty
Minimitch696 · Sat Mar 18, 2006 @ 09:36pm · 4 Comments |