On June 21st my cat, Bobi died of heart failure. He had a weak heart his entire life and I'm thankful for the 11 years I got to spend with him. He was my dearest and closest friend and will hold a special place in my heart till the day I die. Nine days later I adopted a kitten from the Humane Society. He was a small and fluffy gray and black ball. My little Lulu I call him. Born only 14 days after my own birthday. I was looking forward to him being my companion for many years to come. But it doesn't seem like it was fated to be. Yesterday he was admitted to the vet because he was throwing up. He had been fine just the night before. But they tell me his kidneys are failing and it doesn't look good. I don't know how or why this happened but I hope for the best. He is not even 5 months yet. Please hold on little Lulu I know you can pull through this.
Edit-10/10/08: Lulu died tonight.
Bobi-May peace find you, my friend, you deserve more then most.

He loved to sit on my dad's computer chair and would often sleep there all night. He was always happy to see me and purred all the time. When I first brought him home he would lie on my pillow and I would fall asleep with the sound of his purring in my ears. He was so soft and fluffy and loved being carried. He loved his little brown mouse toy. Lulu 4-19-08 - 10-10-08: Rest in peace my Little Lulu your time came much too early.

Kagemi · Thu Oct 09, 2008 @ 05:49pm · 1 Comments |